CHECK(IBMUSS,USS_PARMLIB_MOUNTS) Exception RC:81 Reason: EF096055 . Problem description Hi, during IPL we had two ZFS data sets defined in BPXPRMxx that was not cataloged amd should not be mounted. We got this Healthcheck USS_PARMLIB_MOUNTS and then we removed thes two ZFS data sets from BPXPRMxx. Then we rerun this Healthcheck but the error still remains: BPXH059I The following file systems are not active: ---------------------------------------------------- File System: OMVS.S1T0.DB2V10.BASE Parmlib Member: BPXPRMT0 Path: /S1T0/db2a10/base Return Code: 00000081 Reason Code: EF096055 File System: OMVS.S1T0.DB2V10.JDBC Parmlib Member: BPXPRMT0 Path: /S1T0/db2a10/jdbc Return Code: 00000081 Reason Code: EF096055 How can we get rid of this Exception whithout IPLING the system?