================================================================================ Instructions ================================================================================ Steps #3-6 only required if you are planning to use provided modified sample exit: 1. Choose HLQ for RMFM3B customized files. 2. Create .RMFM3B.SERBCLS (like SYS1.SERBCLS) for customized execs. 3. Copy ERB3RPH3 member from SYS1.SERBCLS to .RMFM3B.SERBCLS 4. In the copied ERB3RPH3 change line from "SELECT CMD(ERBR3WFX)" to "SELECT CMD(ERBR3WX2)" 5. Copy attached REXX as member ERBR3WX2 to .RMFM3B.SERBCLS 6. Check user section of ERBR3WX2 for output choices: a. Print WFEX report screen copy to RMFM3TS1 DD (on by default). b. Print exeception report to SYSTSPRT DD (on by default). c. Issue exceptions as WTOs (off by default). 7. Update SYS1.PROCLIB(RMFM3B) top line: a. RMF = HLQ of RMF libraries. b. ISPF = HLQ of your ISPF libraries c. REPORT should be left as WFEX d. HLQ = for RMFM3B customized files from step #1. 8. Make sure RMFM3B has correct access to be started as STC. If you wish to use RMFM3B as a batch job, JCL above should be modified further. 9. Make sure RMFM3B has correct access to the datasets on from #1. 10. Copy RMF table dataset which contains WFEX report settings (from one of the users who monitored WFEX) - e.g. userid.RMFZV2R5.ISPTABLE - to .RMFM3B.ISPTABLE. 11. Start RMFM3B. 12. You will need to use CANCEL command to stop RMFM3B. ================================================================================ Sample outputs ================================================================================ SYSLOG: +RMF100I 3B: CICS0001 PROC-WLM 18.0 % delay +RMF100I 3B: CICS0002 PROC-WLM 21.0 % delay +RMF100I 3B: TSO RT > 3 9.861 sec +RMF100I 3B: USR001 PROC-WLM 44.0 % delay +RMF100I 3B: USR002 PROC-WLM 40.0 % delay +RMF100I 3B: HSM Not avail +RMF100I 3B: CICS0001 PROC-WLM 20.0 % delay +RMF100I 3B: CICS0003 PROC-USR001 15.0 % delay +RMF100I 3B: CICS0002 PROC-USR002 20.0 % delay +RMF100I 3B: USR001 PROC-WLM 20.0 % delay +RMF100I 3B: USR002 PROC-WLM 20.0 % delay +RMF100I 3B: HSM Not avail SYSTSPRT DD: RMF100I 3B: Processing WFEX Report at 20 Jan 2023 10:01:42 RMF100I 3B: Name Reason Critical val. RMF100I 3B: -------------------------------------- RMF100I 3B: CICS0001 PROC-WLM 18.0 % delay RMF100I 3B: CICS0002 PROC-WLM 21.0 % delay RMF100I 3B: TSO RT > 3 9.861 sec RMF100I 3B: USR001 PROC-WLM 44.0 % delay RMF100I 3B: USR002 PROC-WLM 40.0 % delay RMF100I 3B: HSM Not avail RMF100I 3B: -------------------------------------- RMF100I 3B: Processing WFEX Report at 11 Jan 2023 10:03:22 RMF100I 3B: Name Reason Critical val. RMF100I 3B: -------------------------------------- RMF100I 3B: CICS0001 PROC-WLM 20.0 % delay RMF100I 3B: CICS0003 PROC-USR001 15.0 % delay RMF100I 3B: CICS0002 PROC-USR002 20.0 % delay RMF100I 3B: USR001 PROC-WLM 20.0 % delay RMF100I 3B: USR002 PROC-WLM 20.0 % delay RMF100I 3B: HSM Not avail RMFM3TS1 DD: HARDCOPY RMF V2R5 Workflow/Exceptions Line 1 of 6 Command ===> Samples: 100 System: SYSA Date: 01/11/23 Time: 10.00.00 Range: 100 Sec --------------------------- Speed (Workflow) --------------------------------- Speed of 100 = Maximum, 0 = Stopped Average CPU Util: 23 % Name Users Active Speed Name Users Active Speed *SYSTEM 687 5 40 *DEV 19 0 97 ALL TSO 66 0 38 *MASTER* 1 0 No work ALL STC 435 2 52 ALL BATCH 2 0 32 ALL ASCH 0 0 No work ALL OMVS 185 2 30 *PROC 236 4 43 ------------------------------ Exceptions ------------------------------------- Name Reason Critical val. Possible cause or action CICS0001 PROC-WLM 18.0 % delay CICS0002 PROC-WLM 21.0 % delay TSO RT > 3 9.861 sec Resp time is 9.861 s for SRVCLS TSO. USR001 PROC-WLM 44.0 % delay USR002 PROC-WLM 40.0 % delay HSM Not avail Job HSM is not running. HARDCOPY RMF V2R5 Workflow/Exceptions Line 1 of 6 Command ===> Samples: 100 System: SYSA Date: 01/11/23 Time: 10.01.20 Range: 100 Sec --------------------------- Speed (Workflow) --------------------------------- Speed of 100 = Maximum, 0 = Stopped Average CPU Util: 20 % Name Users Active Speed Name Users Active Speed *SYSTEM 685 4 49 *DEV 15 0 86 ALL TSO 65 0 33 *MASTER* 1 0 No work ALL STC 435 2 60 ALL BATCH 2 1 36 ALL ASCH Not avail ALL OMVS 183 1 45 *PROC 209 3 56 ------------------------------ Exceptions ------------------------------------- Name Reason Critical val. Possible cause or action CICS0001 PROC-WLM 20.0 % delay CICS0003 PROC-USR001 15.0 % delay CICS0002 PROC-USR002 20.0 % delay USR001 PROC-WLM 20.0 % delay USR002 PROC-WLM 20.0 % delay HSM Not avail Job HSM is not running. ================================================================================ Sample exit code ================================================================================ -------------Modified default sample starts after this line------------ /* REXX **************************************************************/ /* */ /*01* MODULE-NAME: ERBR3WX2 */ /* */ /*01* DESCRIPTIVE-NAME: WFEX Report Handler Samples */ /* */ /*01* PROPRIETARY-STATEMENT: */ /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ /* "Restricted Materials of IBM" */ /* 5650-ZOS */ /* Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2020 All Rights Reserved. */ /* Copyright Rocket Software, Inc. 2020, 2022 All Rights Reserved. */ /* Status=HRM77D0 z/OS RMF V2R5 */ /* */ /*01* FUNCTION: */ /* ERBR3WX2 provides samples to process the RMF */ /* Monitor III WFEX report data */ /* */ /*01* NOTES: */ /* None. */ /* */ /*01* OPERATION: */ /* Reads WFEX report and prints out exceptions */ /* */ /*01* RECOVERY-OPERATION: None */ /* */ /*01* DEPENDENCIES: RMF Monitor III Reporter phase 3 context */ /* */ /*01* INVOCATION: */ /* ISPEXEC SELECT CMD(ERBR3WX2) */ /* */ /*01* CALLER: ERB3RPH3 */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* User section start */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* Should report screen be printed in RMFM3TS1 DD? 1 = YES/0 = NO */ print_report = 1 /* Should exception line be printed to SYSOUT DD? 1 = YES/0 = NO */ print_excp = 1 /* Should exception line be issued as WTO? 1 = YES/0 = NO */ print_wto = 0 /* What prefix WTO should use if above is 1? First word = message ID */ wto_pfx = "RMF100I 3B:" /*********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* User section end */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ Trace 0 ADDRESS ISPEXEC CONTROL ERRORS RETURN msgid = wto_pfx name = "Name " reasn = "Reason " delay = "Critical val." process = "Processing WFEX Report at" RIGHT(DATE(),11) TIME() /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Header lines */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ wtomsg1 = msgid process wtomsg2 = msgid name reasn delay wtomsg3 = msgid SUBSTR("-",1,38,"-") IF print_excp THEN DO SAY wtomsg1 SAY wtomsg2 SAY wtomsg3 END rc = Wfex_Handler() IF rc = 0 THEN rc = print_report IF print_excp THEN SAY wtomsg3 Exit rc /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /*01* SUBROUTINE-NAME: Wfex_Handler */ /* */ /*01* DESCRIPTIVE-NAME: WFEX Report Handler Sample */ /* */ /*01* FUNCTION: */ /* This subroutine provides a sample for a general WTO */ /* transformation of Monitor III exception lines. */ /* */ /*01* OPERATION: */ /* Loops through the WFEX exception data table and prints */ /* all exceptions it found. */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ Wfex_Handler: tabnam = "ERBWFXT3" excpnum = 0 "TBQUERY" tabnam "ROWNUM(excpnum)" If RC = 0 Then "TBTOP" tabnam If RC = 0 Then "TBSKIP" tabnam If RC = 0 Then Do While (RC = 0) /* Loops through the table */ msgtext = SUBSTR(wfxname,1,11) ||, SUBSTR(wfxreasn,1,14) ||, SUBSTR(wfxdelay,1,14) wtomsg = msgid msgtext IF print_wto THEN "SELECT PGM(ERBCSWTO) PARM("wtomsg")" IF print_excp THEN SAY wtomsg "TBSKIP" tabnam End Else return 12 return 0