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All ideas

Showing 3574 of 3574

Software Update plugin enhancements - Add the ability to automatically identify and retrieve any missing PTF's and download/receive them and rerun the APPLY CHECK. Also identify PE PTF's that cannot be APPLYed and exclude them.

This would save time and confusion. It would also steer less experienced sysprogs away from the terminal which is (I thought) the whole reason behind z/OSMF. The ability to customize the jobcard (to include parms like a time parm and region parm) ...
9 months ago in z/OS / SMP/E 5 Functionality already exists

RMFIII - Display needed to indicate %age of H/W Group Cap used

Hello IBM, As an example of what we'd like, please take case TS014739169 and also the description below - We have two LPARs in a H/W Cap Group (values taken from RMF PP H A R D W A R E G R O U P R E P O R T) HW GROUP PARTITION SYSTEM ------NAME CP...
9 months ago in z/OS / RMF 0 Future consideration

Use Multi thread when transferring an object

I have a dedicated network for using S3. When i have to transfer a hudge file the transfer took a long time and doesn't fully utilize the dedicated network. The idea is to use multi threading when the customer had big file to transfer.
9 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Cloud Data Access 1 Not under consideration

zOSMF workflows enable approvers for all flow types

we are looking to utilize zOSMF and workflows to automate some of our processes. There is an approver option, however this is only valid with the 'Run this step as user ID:' option and then only via cloud provisioning. We would like the approver o...
about 7 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Remove RACF non-alphabetic character requirement from Passphrases

NIST Password Policy Guidelines no longer recommend that password complexity be imposed, since studies have shown they can encourage the creation of bad passwords/passphrases. The manual indicates that RACF enforces a basic set of syntax rules whi...
almost 3 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Command to remove/add library from LLA/VLF.

To make it more easy and efficient to maintain libraries on the linklist and LLA/VLF, it would be nice if a F LLA command could remove a library without the need to create a CSVLLAxx parmlib member which is time consuming.
over 1 year ago in z/OS / BCP_General 1 Not under consideration

Add SSID and CCA for each device in RMF74.1 and DCOLLECT

The RMF 74.1 Logical volume activity records as well as the DCOLLECT records contain the Logical representation of the volume. The 74.1 does have the DSS Serial number, but that is not sufficient to uniquely identify a volume in a shared Environme...
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / Advanced Data Gatherer 4 Future consideration

RACF command LISTDSD DSNS not working for master catalog

Currently RACF is designed to exclude the master catalog dataset name from LISTDSD DSNS output under "CATALOGUED DATA SETS AFFECTED BY PROFILE CHANGE".
about 4 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

zOSMF Configuation Assistant AT-TLS reusable rules

In working with the Configuration Assistant we have found that with the IPSEC Reusable Rules we can create a rule that is easy to move between stacks. Having this capability for AT-TLS rule would also be helpful.
about 9 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 3 Not under consideration

After zEDC Outage IFASMFDL ends with RC4 but dumps no data

If there is any Problem with dumping from a logstream, IFASMFDL should not end with RC4 but with RC8 or RC16 as soon as the data dumped from the stream is reduced due to the error.
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / BCP_SMF 0 Future consideration