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Showing 233

Create R_ADMIN (IRRSEQ00) Exit Point

We'd like an exit point create for the R_ADMIN (IRRSEQ00) callable services interface.
over 4 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Automatic RACF SWITCH database command if a logical error occurs

The RACF should identify a severe logical error in your database and make the automatic switch database, as happens the switch automatically when the an I/O error occurs. The switch database can be to the backup database or another.
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Allow user to set their first password phrase when the correct password is supplied

We would like all our mainframe users to have passwords longer than 8 characters, so we are now looking into getting users to use password phrase instead of password. However RACF currently only allows RACF administrators (or authorized personnel)...
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Add System date and time state to List commands in RACF

We have to submit displays of our security database to auditors. Often the displays are not accepted because they lack SYSTEM, DATE and TIME information in the display.
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Add New Optional parameter to delete a userid with norule.

This rule is useful when someone try to delete a userid(ex- which support the dataset rule), but try to retain the rule( ex-dataset). this is useful if you have a dataset HLQ which is used by CICS region but you dont want to manage a userid as tha...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 4 Not under consideration

Simplify ADDUSER support with ALTER access to IRR.PASSWORD.RESET

As described in the PMR the installation is used to define new users without password and set an initial password later by support users having read access to FACILITY profile IRR.PASSWORD.RESET. Beginning with z/OS V2R2 such users are defined as ...
over 8 years ago in z/OS / RACF 11 Not under consideration

RACF RVARY password should have additional control point

Please enhance RACF so that the RVARY STATUS & SWITCH passwords are not the sole control point on this command.Alternatively think up an entirely new more 21st century approach to replace the RVARY password with completely.
over 8 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Future consideration

Protect RACF Database to prevent inadvertent deletion

System admins have priviledged access to datasets and system resources. While doing cleanup of antiquated database files an administrator inadvertently deleted the live primary and backup RACF databases causing an outage. Can the RACF task be modi...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Functionality already exists

Create an attribute that would prevent the REVOKE of a UserID due to incorrect password attempts

Requesting the creation of an attribute that would exist on the User ID that would prevent/override the User ID from being revoked due to invalid password attempts. Any successful authentications should be allowed. Unsuccessful authentications sho...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Future consideration

More granular setup of healthcheck RACF_SENSITIVE_RESOURCES

Healthcheck RACF_SENSITIVE_RESOURCES covers a lot of different resources. If one of the checks fails the whole check fails. To prevent false-postive checks on this healthcheck the only option is to deactivate the healthcheck as a whole. It would b...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 3 Not under consideration