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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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Showing 1795

Prerequisite steps are ignored for a workflow step when single-clicking on a step and going to Perform tab

If a user right-clicks on a workflow step and selects Perform then the user is given a warning if prerequisite conditions have not been met (if the step is not Ready).However, if the customer single-clicks on a step and then goes to the Perform ta...
about 6 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

It is not obvious how to automate workflow steps

I have observed that many people tend to single-click on a workflow step and then go to the Perform tab. They do not realize you can right-click on a step and, if eligible, be presented with a choice to automate this or other steps.There should be...
about 6 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Duplicate sysout names in workflow step Status tab are difficult to associate with job steps

If a job submitted through a workflow step contains multiple job steps with the same sysout names, such as SYSPRINT, then the Status tab shows a SYSPRINT for every step but there is no identification as to which job step each SYSPRINT belongs to. ...
about 6 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Saving a workflow step's JCL to a PDS member should use DISP=SHR

When a user attempts to save JCL from a workflow JCL step from the Submit panel OR the workflow step is simply setup to save data to a file, z/OSMF does not allocate the dataset with DISP=SHR. This means we cannot create a new member (or overwrite...
about 6 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

DFSMSdfp - Multi volume PDSE

SUBMITTER SECTIONFIT Number: MR062910266User Marketing Field Requirement Number: SSMVSS09008Title: DFSMSdfp - Multi volume PDSESubmitted By: IBM User Group Relations/Dallas/IBMOriginators Area: UGDIV : S UGGROUP : MVS UGPROJ : MVSSFPOC: Elmer E La...
over 10 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS PDS/PDSE 1 Future consideration


SUBMITTER SECTIONFIT Number: MR0518043127User Marketing Field Requirement Number: SSSOSXD04011Title: Dynamic STEPLIB for DSNREXXSubmitted By: IBM User Group Relations/Dallas/IBMOriginators Area: UGDIV : S UGGROUP : GSE UGPROJ : GSEFPOC: William Yu...
almost 11 years ago in z/OS / TSO 1 Future consideration

REXX: Provide SORTSTEM Functionality in

SUBMITTER SECTIONFIT Number: MR0930086343User Marketing Field Requirement Number: SSREXX08003Title: REXX: Provide SORTSTEM Functionality in z/OS REXX EnvironmentsSubmitted By: IBM User Group Relations/Dallas/IBMOriginators Area: UGDIV : S UGGROUP ...
almost 11 years ago in z/OS / TSO 1 Future consideration

Please make user created docker volumes available at /media/

Docker volumes I create sometimes need modifications while the docker container it is usually mounted to is down. In my situation, I am running Rocket Terminal Emulator in ZCX container. Rockets upgrade path, requires data manipulation in the moun...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Container Extensions (zCX) 0 Future consideration

Provide more job details in the step status panel of workflows in z/OSMF.

System: z/OSMF WorkflowActor: Provide more job details in the step status panel of workflows in z/OSMF. We are planning to use Z/OSMF for Workflow automation/orchestration to replace our Consistently repeatable processes which have multiple steps ...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

bsearch library function for Metal C

Given the Metal C run-time library includes qsort, it should include bsearch
about 3 years ago in z/OS / LE 2 Future consideration