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All ideas

Showing 1789

Add version number next to component levels in APAR pages

Scenario: you are a new MVS system programmer tasked to obtain the PTF for a specific APAR. You go to IBM Support, search for the APAR number/name and find the APAR page. For example if we take the page for APAR OA62703 it lists the following fixe...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Service 1 Future consideration

Coupling Facility - channel status

Whenever there is an HCD IO activation to delete CF links from the CF LPARs, the channels are indeed deleted and no longer available for use, however somehow they remain on the CFCC and showing up on the zOS Display CF command outputs as follows :...
about 1 year ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / Parallel Sysplex 0 Future consideration

Enhance DSFS to support Migrated z/OS Datasets

Ed Jaffe on the ibm-main listserv pointed out that using dsfs any DFSMShsm migrated data sets were not available. This is a critical oversight as DFSMShsm is still very heavily used. DSFS needs to be able to recognize data sets in a migrated state...
12 months ago in z/OS / Data Set File System (DSFS) 2 Future consideration

Increase logical paths limit of 512 for Control Unit (HCD message CBDG085I)

We reached the limit of 512 paths for Control Units when disks are shared between multiple sysplexes. DASD volumes are being forced to be accessed by 3 and even 2 channel paths.
6 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Disk Storage SW Support 3 Future consideration

Concurrent Copy SDM_TE search enhancement

The Concurrent Copy SDM_TE searches get worse the more Point-In-Time track images are stored in the ANTMAIN dataspaces. This delays the Concurrent Copy request past the expected completion time. In our case, what was expected to be 5 to 6 hours of...
over 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS SDM 0 Future consideration

Enhance zfsadm shrink command

Enhance zfsadm shrink command to give the new size not only in K-bytes but also by a percentage value based on the current size. For example a value of 50 to reduce to half the size. This would allow to have an automated process to reduce size of ...
over 2 years ago in z/OS / z/OS File System (zFS) 2 Future consideration

A JES2 Policy that scans JCL cards is required

Submitted By: SHARE-MVSE Submitted Date: 02/05/2023 Submitter Name: Mike Shorkend (System Software Specialist) Submitter Email: Description: The same way as JES2 provides exits 4/54 to scan all JCL cards for a job, this is needed...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / JES2 0 Future consideration

Enable ISPF services to support PDSE Member Generations

LMMLIST and LMMCOPY along with LMMDISP should support PDSE Member Generations if they exist in the referenced PDSE.
6 months ago in z/OS / ISPF 0 Future consideration

New Resource Group based on available capacity (System Scope)

All Resource Groups available today are towards a defined amount of CPU / MSU / Service units and, once defined, are flat. It would be useful for us to have the ability to define a resource group that varies with the system utilization. One use ca...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / BCP_WLM 0 Future consideration

Provide more granularity for control access to different paths under /global/zosmf

There is a need to distinguish between zOSMF ADMIN GROUP (IZUADMIN) and the USS OWNER GROUP of z/OSMF's USER_DIR path. Users defined in the z/OSMF administrator's group (IZUADMIN) should NOT necessarily have access to all the USS directories under...
over 2 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration