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Showing 3565

DFSMSrmm add support for MGMTCLAS in DEFTABLE

Currently in DEFTABLE(EDGDEFxx) you can assign VRSVALUE/Management Value but you cannot assign a MGMTCLAS(Management Class). Only way you can do this is via SMS Management Class ACS routine. By allowing to override JCL specified MGMTCLAS or assign...
about 3 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS RMM 0 Future consideration

SSI 80 Data Set List Request to JES2 should return correct attributes even if changed after data set creation

One of our products, Entire System Server, has a component to collect information about jobs and SYSOUT data from JES2 and JES3. When it was written in 2000, it used the SSI 80 request types available back then as well as JES2 and JES3 services e....
almost 6 years ago in z/OS / JES2 0 Future consideration

Provide better messaging and prevent hang situation in dynamic RRSF main switching

Prevent blocking situations when user is starting a RRSF dynamic main switch if conditions of empty inmsg data sets is not met. Currently it is difficult to detect what the reasons are if a RRSF dynamic main switch is not completed. IBM should try...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Future consideration


The ability to search for tape data sets that had a MANAGEMENTVALUE assigned, in looking at the SEARCHDATASET command, I foundyou can search for MANAGEMENTCLASS or NOMANAGEMENTCLASS, but not MANAGEMENTVALUE or NOMANAGEMENTVALUE. I can generate it ...
almost 6 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS RMM 0 Planned for future release

Add additional AVGREC sizes to Space definitions in JCL and IDCAMS

With the large size volumes and larger amounts of data going to datasets, it would be helpful if the AVGREC and DEFINE statements allow more options. Currently AVGREC has B(ytes) and K(ilobyte) and M(egabytes). and DEF VSAM has K(ilobyte) and M(eg...
over 8 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS SMS 1 Not under consideration

zOSMF API upload to RECFM FBA should not add character in column 1

Using zOSMF API to upload a file into a RECFM FBA Partitioned data set will add a reserve character in column 1. This occurs every time the file is uploaded and can cause record truncation.
about 5 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

PHP API and Perl API on EzNoSQL

Add PHP API and Perl API to EzNoSQL to allow more flexibility and integration with mobile and Web applications of EzNoSQL. Not many Web servers or mobile platforms use C. Java is more common. These are the other APIs: C and Java.
over 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS EzNoSQL 0 Future consideration

Allow SRCHFOR parameters like WORD and PREFIX to be usable on command

Currently, to use WORD or PREFIX or other Parameters for the SRCHFOR command, I have to enter SRCHFOR with no other parameters on the Command Line to get a SRCHFOR panel. I want these parameters on the SRCHFOR command like FIND already has.
about 7 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 1 Future consideration

ISPF Edit Compare must support ascii files such as z/OSMF XML ones

ISPF Edit Compare does not work correctly with ascii files in a z/OS Unix file system, though it works correctly with EBCDIC files in a z/OS file system. Using ISPF Edit Compare in option 3.17 for z/OS Unix files on z/OS 2.2 at RSU1703, the COMP *...
about 7 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 1 Future consideration

USS shell should complain invalid hex numbers within a command

Copying from ASCII generates hex numbers which are not valid under EBCDIC. Using this hex numbers for example in a mv/cp command as filename makes it impossible to work with the filename, because the wrong hex numbers are included in the filename ...
over 3 years ago in z/OS / Shell & Utilities 0 Future consideration