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Thank you for this hints. I will pass them along to my team.
Sorry for the long delay.
The e-mail with your response was lost on my spam mailbox.
Are you guys still going to implement these dynamic reconfiguration functions for IPv4?
Best Regards,
Due to processing by IBM, this request was reassigned to have the following updated attributes:
Brand - Servers and Systems Software
Product family - z Systems Software
Product - z/OS Communications Server
For recording keeping, the previous attributes were:
Brand - WebSphere
Product family - Enterprise Networking
Product - z/OS Communications Server
As you can see this RFE is now an uncommitted candidate. However I wanted to let you know of some workarounds that might work for you in the current code to achieve what you need. We recognize that these are workarounds and not ideal but might help you out in a pinch, for example if there is an error in your OMPROUTE configuation.
Following is a list of the parameters you wanted to be able to change and how to use workarounds in today's code to change them.
Name: Add a wildcard definition (e.g., 9.23.5.*) that can be associated to this interface to the OMPROUTE configuration, using the RECONFIG command.
IP Address: There are two ways to do this. 1) add a wildcard definition as described above. 2) Delete any interface from stack that has the same name. Then change the IP address in the OMPROUTE configuration file and issue the RECONFIG command.
Subnet Mask and MTU: You would also have to change either the name or the IP Address of the interface. Then add a wildcard definition as described above
Cost: This can already be modified using the use F omproute_jobname,OSPF,WEIGHT command
Note that for all the changes except for the Cost, the interface will have to be deleted from and re-added to the stack to get OMPROUTE to recognize it after the OMPROUTE changes.
These workarounds are for IPv4. For IPv6:
Name: Simply use RECONFIG to create a new interface definition with the new name (since IPv6 interfaces are defined by name only)
IP Address: not needed. OMPROUTE does not define IP addresses for IPv6 interfaces, it learns them from the stack
MTU: not needed, for IPv6 OMPROUTE learns the MTU value from the stack and does not define it.
Cost: Use the F omproute_jobname,IPV6OSPF,WEIGHT command
We would like to be able to change dynamically the following parameters: Name, Ip_Address, Subnet_Mask, MTU and Cost0.
It would be fine to stop one interface at a time to make the changes without having to completely stop all TCPIP communication.
Please let me know If you need any further information.
This requirement has a better chance of success if the scope is narrowed. Which parameters would you be interested in dynamically changing? Would it be acceptable to require the interface to be stopped to make these changes?