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Status Future consideration
Workspace z/OS
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 5, 2022

Add PROC parameter/variable to ACBJBAOB in SYS1.SACBCNTL for ISPF data set name HLQ

When using Naviquest to generate a job, it will generate a JCL job stream that contains a JCLLIB statement that points to SYS1.SACBCNTL and an EXEC statement for a PROC located in that data set (ACBJBAOB). There are a few parameters/variables that the user needs to fill in to make the job function, but the names of the ISPF data sets are hard-coded to the IBM default HLQ of "ISP". Originally, all of the IBM-supplied z/OS data sets, including the ISPF data sets were named with a HLQ of "SYS1". At some point, IBM changed that to "ISP", but provided an installation option to change the HLQ for any z/OS data set to something else, like "SYS1" and that's what we did. So all of our ISPF data sets have a data set HLQ of "SYS1". Unfortunately, this causes the Naviquest-generated JCL to fail when submitted, even after the user has updated all of the available PROC parameters since the HLQ for all of the ISP data sets are hard-coded to "ISP". In order to make this work, the user must not only copy the PROC from SYS1.SACBCNTL into another data set and update the ISPF data set names, the user must also update the JCLLIB statement to point to the non-IBM-supplied data set containing the updated PROC. This also adds complexity in that the user must re-copy and update the PROC whenever IBM updates the PROC in SYS1.SACBCNTL. It would be helpful and provide additional usability if IBM would add a PROC parameter/variable for the ISPF data set name HLQ so that the user would only have to update the PROC parameters supplied by IBM at the time the job is generated/submitted and not have to maintain a local copy of the PROC with the ISPF data set name updates. The default HLQ as supplied by IBM could remain "ISP", but allowing the ISPF data set name HLQ override would make this so much easier to manage/maintain.
Idea priority Low