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See comments below.
Yes, it does. Sorry for the late response and thank you for this information.
Sorry - should have said "If you are CERTAIN that the other members are indeed down".
Are you aware of the CLEARPDR IPL parameter? It causes the PDR to be reinitialized, after prompting you to ensure that the other cluster members are down, enabling the first member to come up in the DR site. Here's the recommended procedure to use:
On the first SSI member, in the parameter field on the HMC Load panel, specify the console which you want z/VM to use
when IPLing, and continue with the Load. This will bring you to the Stand Alone Program Loader (SAPL) panel. In the IPL
PARAMETERS section, add the CLEARPDR parameter. Do not alter any existing parameters. Continue with the IPL using
PF10. (For more information on CLEARPDR, see the System Operation manual, Chapter 2, Using the Stand Alone Program
The CLEARPDR parameter will cause the following messages to be displayed:
HCPASK1660I CLEARPDR IPL parameter specified. All other systems in the SSI cluster must be shut down.
HCPASK1634A If any other systems in the SSI cluster are running,
HCPASK1634A system integrity will be compromised and data
HCPASK1634A corruption may occur.
HCPASK1634A Confirm that the following systems are shut down:
HCPASK1634A Confirm the persistent data record (PDR) is located
HCPASK1634A on volume
HCPASK1634A Enter GO to continue with the clearing of the PDR.
HCPASK1634A After that normal IPL continues. To abort the IPL,
HCPASK1634A enter STOP.
If you are CERTAIN that the other member is indeed down, issue "GO" and continue with the IPL. Otherwise, issue "STOP"
and contact IBM support personnel before proceeding.
When the first member has completed IPL, IPL the other members normally. IMPORTANT: Do NOT use the CLEARPDR
parameter when IPLing on the other SSI members.
Does this address the requirement? If not, why not?
--Romney White, IBM