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Encryption Facility

Showing 18

Cipher preference order when using JCECCARACFKS

When using JCECCARACFKS for pgp certificate creation, EF is not honoring on export option -eA racf algorithms for cipher preference order. Neither does it help when overriding those options for encryption and hashing algorithms with -cipher-name o...
over 8 years ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 0 Not under consideration

Support ECDSA Keys in Encryption Facility OPGP

We use Open PGP on z/OS and have an increasing number of 3rd parties sending in ECDSA public keys which we are currently unable to load. Supporting ECDSA keys will provide more options and enhance security.
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 3 Not under consideration

Enhancement for Encryption Facility Product

Problem when using the command rP Command during Encryption Check PMR 67534 661 706, all details is descripbed in the PMR
over 6 years ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 1 Not under consideration

CSDFILEN support 4096 bit keys

We have a need to create 4096 bit keys. CSDFILEN does not support 4096 bit keys.
about 2 years ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 0 Not under consideration

-eA command: set key flags in accordance with RACF key usage

Our keys for OpenPGP are stored as X.509 certificates in RACF. Here key usage may be specified, for instance "Key Usage: DOCSIGN" or "Key Usage: DATAENCRYPT". When using Encryption Facility for exporting these (with the -eA command), Encryption Fa...
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 2 Not under consideration

Unable to use GDGs as output datstest for Encryption Facility for z/OS. For further details please refer to 13643,047,649

Unable to use GDGs as output dataset for Encryption Facility for z/OS. For further details please refer to 13643,047,649
over 7 years ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 1 Not under consideration

encryption Facility for z/OS

When we use ASCII Transcodage table with Encryption Facility for OpenPGP on MVS LPAR ( option -t ISO-8859-1 ), we've got a strange result in the following case. When Encryption Facility transcode Hex Characters suite x'OD25' before Encryption, dec...
over 7 years ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 0 Not under consideration

EF-OpenPGP enhanchement for z/OS <=> LUW

ENCRYPT and DECRYPT of files and CodePage/encoding and zip/unzip use too much CPU and MEMORY for small and medium size files. The JCL need many steps to handle the data. Usually ASCII data is shipped as encrypted to z/OS, and must then be transfor...
over 7 years ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 1 Not under consideration

TKDS Support with Encryption Facility

Encryption Facility (EF) currently supports the ICSF CKDS and PKDS. The TKDS was implemented in ICSF after the initial EF support. Would be great to add that final KDS to the list of supported key stores.
over 10 years ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 1 Not under consideration

EF option to specify Preferred Symmetric Algorithms when generating a certificate

SUBMITTER SECTIONFIT Number: MR0903096618User Marketing Field Requirement Number: MR0903096618Title: EF option to specify Preferred Symmetric Algorithms when generating a certificateSubmitted By: Noriah Ahmad/Malaysia/IBMOriginators Area: z/OS sup...
almost 11 years ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 2 Not under consideration