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Core Infrastructure

Showing 2980 of 3586

z/OSMF SCA: Improvements deleting variables

In z/OSMF SCA, you can define variables to complete the resources in the "configurable" tab. It would be helpful to have the following options: Remove all variables at once, i.e. return to the initial display with the placeholders for the variable...
4 months ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Create a workflow for zERT Provisioning - Database, RACF

At the moment, one has to customize members (IZUZNADT, IZUZNADI, IZUNASEC ) in SYS1.SAMPLIB to provision a database for zERT and grant access to zERT. My idea is to use a workflow which would allow to do the same but inside a z/OSMF workflow.
12 months ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

SDSF Support Next DS and Prev DS from individual Dataset

Enable the Next and Prev command when viewing an individual spool file. This is currently supported if the view is of the entire JOB. Specifically, to use the SDSF terminology, please allow 'switching' to the Next or Previous dataset when the curr...
about 3 years ago in z/OS / SDSF 0 Future consideration

Provide common APIs in support of PDSE Member Generations - Part 2

See for part 1. Given that PDSE member generations are supported by some, and growing, IBM elements, it only seems reasonable to make it easy. Thus I'm rating this IDEA as...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS Access Methods Non-Vsam 3 Future consideration

z/OSMF workflows and NCA to resolve system symbols

Currently z/OSMF does not resolve system symbols for tasks such as workflows and network configuration assistant, despite having the capability as described in the APAR PH41196. It would be very important that these features automatically resolve ...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 1 Future consideration

sudo incidents should be reported

If a user, that is not in the sudo group tries to issue a sudo it looks like this: user@server:~$ sudo mkdir /test[sudo] password for user:user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. But as I was told in case TS004442144 this ...
about 4 years ago in z/OS / Container Extensions (zCX) 0 Future consideration

Add Support for Fast Replication / Flash Copy for backup of the RACF Database

Provide a method to backup the RACF Database that takes advantage of the current utilities that perform Fast Replication/Flash Copies where the backups are more instantaneous.
over 2 years ago in z/OS / RACF 8 Future consideration

Add additional filtering keywords to IEASYMxx

If IEASYMxx supported a SYSDEF SYSRES(volser) parameter it would be possible to set other symbols based on the volser of the sysres. This would eliminate the need for the system programmer to change IEASYMxx each time the IPL volume changed. Reduc...
4 months ago in z/OS / BCP_Supervisor 1 Not under consideration

CSSMTP Check SMTP Mail Addresses

CSSMTP does not have a function to control the usage of Sender- and Destination Mail addresses specified in the SMTP-Headers (for example MAIL FROM:, RCPT TO:, FROM:, TO:, etc.). The check must be based on the RACF user ID with which the JES spool...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration

Support for CCM algorithm in SystemSSL

For TLS1.3 there are 5 official supported ciphers: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256 And zOS SystemSSL does not support:TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256TLS_AES_128_CCM_SH...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / SSL 0 Future consideration