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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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Core Infrastructure

Showing 2980

Create R_ADMIN (IRRSEQ00) Exit Point

We'd like an exit point create for the R_ADMIN (IRRSEQ00) callable services interface.
over 4 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

bsearch library function for Metal C

Given the Metal C run-time library includes qsort, it should include bsearch
about 3 years ago in z/OS / LE 2 Future consideration

JSON parser

JSON parser toolkit does not allow the creation of an array as the root object which is a valid JSON construct. It is possible to create a root array object by parsing "[]" but the create service does not allow additional objects to be added to a ...
over 6 years ago in z/OS / web enablement toolkit 3 Future consideration

Allow user to set their first password phrase when the correct password is supplied

We would like all our mainframe users to have passwords longer than 8 characters, so we are now looking into getting users to use password phrase instead of password. However RACF currently only allows RACF administrators (or authorized personnel)...
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Simplified MNTE_SYSLIST syntax as part of z/OS UNIX REXX mount command

Currently, if a user would like to include MNTE_SYSLIST as a parm in his USS REXX mount command implementation, the user must code the MNTE_SYSLIST as though they are writing assembler code using the mapping described in BPXYMNTE: MNTENTSYSLISTNUM...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / USS 0 Future consideration

Warning issue while coding One IPUT File same as OUPTUT FILE

After execution of IDCAMS / REPRO function on May 01, 23, application reported lost of more than 80K records, because erroneously JOB processes GDG file both as input and output, using DFSORT: 171 //SORTIN DD DSN=RRMX.AM.AM.B02.AMACT.SAM80.BU(0),/...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS General/Unknown 1 Future consideration

Prevention of message lost 'GEO150I'

This request is to eliminate the problem that the user has encountered described in PMR=73176, APAR=OA55044. After re-sync of XRC, system message GEO150I was sometimes missing if there were no updates or small number of updates on the XRC. In this...
over 6 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS SDM 2 Not under consideration

ICSF Keylabel Alias Support

In order to remove the need to change hard-coded ICSF key label names within applications and the RACF database, we would like to have the ability to assign one-or-more aliases to a keylabel in the CKDS/PKDS. For example, we might have the followi...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / ICSF 2 Future consideration

IDCAMS ALTER NEWNAME should support multiple level rename

Consolidating sysplexes, I've got a requirement to rename all data sets under a given HLQ to a multi level qualifier. IDCAMS ALTER NEWNAME would allow it for a single qualifier to a single qualifier (though the masking requirements are somewhat st...
over 9 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 2 Not under consideration

LDAP for zOS - Implement serchFilterSizeLimit

System: IBM Tivoli Directory for z/OS Tivoli Directory Server is used to implement SUDO functionality like described in, that generate automaticlly a search filter with many predicates using IP ...
about 3 years ago in z/OS / LDAP 0 Planned for future release