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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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Core Infrastructure

Showing 2976

Create SMF records and batch reports when data sets or members are referenced, updated, deleted or added

To provide functionality that ISVs provide for audit tracking of specified libraries and members. Create SMF data that contains the following information: 1) Date 2) Time 3) Library 4) Volume 5) PDS or PDSE Member name 6) User id 7) Program 8) Typ...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / Change Tracker 2 Not under consideration

Implement JCL parameter that only considers GP time

In JCL the TIME parameter is used to limit the CPU time of jobs. Originally used to limit CPU times to save costs and find looping jobs. Through the introduction of Java this parameter will "misbehave" or leads to misunderstanding. Those jobs will...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Scheduler 1 Not under consideration

NFS man pages missing

The following NFS man pages missing: crnl2nl, mvslogin, mvslogout, mvs2os2, nfsstat, nl2crnl, os22mvs, showattr, showmount
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / Network File System (NFS) 2 Not under consideration

Populate STORGRP ACS variable during Class Transition

When doing a DFHSM Class Transition, environment SPMGCLTR, supply the Storage Group that the dataset currently resides in to the ACS logic most likely in the &STORGRP variable
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS SMS 1 Not under consideration

Provide NOTERMUACC Functionality Equivalent for SERVAUTH

Please look to provide a functional equivalent of the NOTERMUACC Parameter on UserIDs/Groups for the SERVAUTH class, specifically NETACCESS in particular. This could potentially be achieved by expanding the NOTERMUACC Parameter to cover SERVAUTH c...
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / RACF 2 Not under consideration

DFSMS does NOT populate S42AMZRB and S42AMZWB

DFSMS does NOT populate S42AMZRB and S42AMZWB in SMF_42 subtype 6 record in our SMF data That is the reason why TDS displays them as 0.0. This is NOT a TDS error.
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Access Methods Non-Vsam 1 Future consideration

Allow MSGCLASS to be overriden

The message class for z/OS Unix is class A. This is a print class for us and listings are being printed we don't want to print. From my experience Class A is a common print class.
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / USS 4 Future consideration

Prioritization of mount tasks in DFRMM.

Prioritization of mount tasks in DFRMM. RMM should give mount tasks a higher priority then other tasks like catalog request tasks.In the moment there is no prioritization of tasks and all tasks are queued.RMM should interrupted other tasks and ful...
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS RMM 0 Future consideration

Option to report silent exception handling in LE

During some performance analysis we discovered in CICS trace a huge amount of S0CA - decimal overflow - interrupts caught and recovered by Language Environment. These were caused by a simple ADD statement in a cobol program which runs in an ILC en...
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / LE 0 Future consideration

Implement an equivalent to MAXTNDSP used on the CD command for SDUMP today for IEATDUMP/SYSMDUMP/ABDUMP

The Java agent configured in xdump option CICS JVM server triggered a JVM transaction dump (TDUMP). We experienced a two minutes service interruption because TDUMP processing, by design, set all TCBs in the CICS address space in non-dispatchable. ...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Service Aids 0 Future consideration