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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal
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This is the public portal for all IBM Z Hardware and Operating System related offerings. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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We invite you to shape the future of IBM, including product roadmaps, by submitting ideas that matter to you the most. Here's how it works:

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  1. Post an idea.

  2. Get feedback from the IBM team and other customers to refine your idea.

  3. Follow the idea through the IBM Ideas process.

Specific links you will want to bookmark for future use

Welcome to the IBM Ideas Portal ( - Use this site to find out additional information and details about the IBM Ideas process and statuses.

IBM Unified Ideas Portal ( - Use this site to view all of your ideas, create new ideas for any IBM product, or search for ideas across all of IBM. - Use this email to suggest enhancements to the Ideas process or request help from IBM for submitting your Ideas.


Network File System (NFS)

Showing 4

Implement VIPA registration for zNFS Server to make it behave "Sysplex Aware"

zNFS Server registers on startup with the LPARs Static VIPA for Kerberos. This means that the principal requires to be in the format:nfs/static_vipa_dnsThe Principal Name is defined in the KERB segment of the STC userid. This behaviour requires se...
about 7 years ago in z/OS / Network File System (NFS) 5 Delivered

Message GFSA728E should show causing userid

Message GFSA728E shows invalid mapping for a user through Kerberos authentication but not which userid it is.
about 3 years ago in z/OS / Network File System (NFS) 1 Delivered

Clarify MVSNFS security and port range requirements

The MVSNFS manuals do not clearly identify what security settings can be used for the server and only show defining as TRUSTED. There is no reference to the use of UID(0) and/or BPX.SUPERUSER nor discussions on the implications of using them versu...
over 2 years ago in z/OS / Network File System (NFS) 1 Delivered

Support MVSLOGIN for non-interactive use

SUBMITTER SECTIONFIT Number: MR00073933User Marketing Field Requirement Number: Title: Support MVSLOGIN for non-interactive userSubmitted By: Kathy Fieber/San Jose/Contr/IBMOriginators Area: SSD / 408-256-7883FPOC: Barbara McDonald/San Jose/IBM Er...
almost 11 years ago in z/OS / Network File System (NFS) 3 Delivered