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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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All ideas

Showing 471

Enhance 'date' command to support Julian date conversion

Very often there is a need to convert a Julian date to regular-date and back. In other Unix/Linux version this can be done e.g. by commands like:date -d "2007-11-30" +%j. One can write a REXX scripts performing this conversion ,,, but much better ...
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / Shell & Utilities 3 Delivered

zosmf session_timeout for inactive sessions

As a security compliance we have a requirement to time out users/processes that have been inactive for a specific period of time.The SESSION_EXPIRE does not support INACTIVE session timeout handling without causing nuisance to active users.
about 4 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 1 Delivered

z/OSMF step approvers - support groups

Hi, When defining a workflow template, steps can contain an Approvers Table. Currently, only userids can be specified. This request is to add support for groups of users. As you know, users are transient: they come and go, causing maintenance impa...
about 4 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 2 Delivered

z/OS SDSF CONFIRM(ALWAYS) with ABORT choice by default

Hello, To prevent some misuse in SDSF about JOB purge with the action character "P" in front of a job, we try to customize the confirmation popup to avoid a too quick purge. To do that, in ISFPRM00, we added the CONFIRM(ALWAYS) parameter which is ...
almost 3 years ago in z/OS / SDSF 1 Delivered

Provide "Scheduled Operations" support in the HMC for updates to the Defined Group Capacity Settings for z13 machines.

Add the capability for a z13 HMC to modify the Defined Group Capacity Settings using the "Scheduled Operations" capability of the HMC.
about 7 years ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / HMC/Support Element (SE) 1 Delivered

Display the CATSYSIDs in LISTCONTROL OPTION specified in EDGRMMxx parmlib member.

Today there is no possibility to display the CATSYSIDs specified in EDGRMMxx parmlib member. The RMM LISTCONTROL OPTION subcommand shows only one of SET, NOSET or * (Asterisk) . As for all other settings the list of systems should be shown.
over 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS RMM 1 Delivered

HSM should have a similar performance to TSM

After IBM has discontinued TSM product, all possible alternatives to backup ZFS on a file basis with HSM result in unassumable CPU consumption and performance (CPU time). We have considered and tested all these alternatives, ours and those provid...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 1 Delivered

PGAR0607-1073 z/OS Secure File Transfer(Ozgur Coskuner)

SUBMITTER SECTIONSubmitted by: Arlene BerchtoldSubmitters Company: Garanti Teknoloji PUBLICRequirement Number and Title: PGAR0607-1073 z/OS Secure File Transfer(Ozgur Coskuner)Homework Assigned: NoRequirement Category: Core TechnologyCurrent Statu...
over 9 years ago in z/OS / OpenSSH 3 Delivered

z/OSMF Software Update autorization

Unable to specify job card user-id when using the Software Update feature in z/OSMF.
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / SMP/E 1 Delivered

Implement VIPA registration for zNFS Server to make it behave "Sysplex Aware"

zNFS Server registers on startup with the LPARs Static VIPA for Kerberos. This means that the principal requires to be in the format:nfs/static_vipa_dnsThe Principal Name is defined in the KERB segment of the STC userid. This behaviour requires se...
almost 7 years ago in z/OS / Network File System (NFS) 5 Delivered