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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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All ideas

Showing 1525

Add command to limit find/change/exclude commands to specific vertical range

It is possible to limit both the "width" and "depth" of the ISPF editor F(ind), C(jange) and (e)X(clude) commands, by specifying bounds and labels. Of these two, the bounds ("width") can be set using the "BOUNDS" primary and/or "BNDS" line command...
almost 9 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 3 Not under consideration

Provide more granular control over the maximum number of processes limits

Currently, the maximum number of processes is controlled by the MAXPROCSYS value in BPXPRMxx. There are warnings not to set this value too high as each process has the potential to consume its own address space. This means that MAXPROCSYS should n...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / USS 1 Not under consideration

Make the ISPF TSO Command Function Consistently Across All ISPF Panels

an IBM Case was recently created to describe a problem encountered by RACF administrator, who had recently converted the RACF password pattern to include lower case characters. The problem encountered they discovered was that the ISPF TSO Command ...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / ISPF 2 Not under consideration

Network activity need working prefix

You can use Filters but it is not that fast/easy. I would like to use the columns names. exampel: 'Jobname STCNAME' should filter all STCNAME. 'IPAddr 127.0.01' should filter that IP
8 months ago in z/OS / SDSF 1 Not under consideration

Interface for RACROUTE-Calls from REXX/Cobol/PLI

Need for a standard interface for RACROUTE-Calls, to check authorizations for datasets and resssources from 3GL-Languages like Cobol, PL/I or REXX or even Java. Implementation in different ways: - checking for own authorizations- checking the auth...
almost 7 years ago in z/OS / RACF 6 Not under consideration

Need ability to allow/deny certain IDCAMS functions

Would like the ability to allow/deny certain IDCAMS functions via PARMLIB/SAF, etc. Specifically, we want the ability to allow/disallow the use of the DELETE keyword on DEFINE CLUSTER, DELETE. there could be other parameters that could use the sam...
almost 7 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 10 Not under consideration

General Settings / Home Page info to be displayed on all pages

Update zOSMF Home Page settings to be displayed on all parges, and not just the login page.
over 3 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 1 Not under consideration

ATTLS advanced display function

Currently there is only one command to display the installed ATTLS base. "pasearch -t ". Network operator need more detail information for problem determination * Selecting ATTLS rule using wildcard for Rulename* Test command similar ipsec -t comm...
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

Have TN3270 Task to provide a Count Down message when a Certificate that is cached it should provide messages on the cert and expiration

The CERT is cached when the TN3270 is started. When that cert is nearing expiration (30 days or less) there are no messages in TN3270 that state the cert is about to expire. Or how many days it is until expiration. Or what the name of the cert tha...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

zOSMF Configuation Assistant AT-TLS reusable rules

In working with the Configuration Assistant we have found that with the IPSEC Reusable Rules we can create a rule that is easy to move between stacks. Having this capability for AT-TLS rule would also be helpful.
about 9 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 3 Not under consideration