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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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Showing 3576

Make DAE - ADYSET00 possible to supress SYSUDUMP the same way as SYSMDUMP can be supressed today.

When we get problems in our Environment with a lot of SYSUDUMPs produced and filling up our SPOOL volumes. Then we would like to have the possibility that DAE - ADYSET00 can supress all our SYSUDUMP's. This can avoid that all our spool volumes to ...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / BCP_Service Aids 1 Not under consideration

Allow a cloud multipart object via gdkwrite/gdkget apis to restart on a particular part

It would be useful to allow a program using GDK_EXIT_DATALOCATION (streaming send exit) to resume sending data for a multi-part object. For receiving cloud data I believe I can use range start and end to restart receiving data, but I didn't see an...
8 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Cloud Data Access 2 Future consideration

CDA Addressing 64 bytes

I call API from 64 bytes programs and there is some trouble when CDA calls in 31 bit adressing API WEB Toolkit.
8 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Cloud Data Access 2 Future consideration

Restrict ability to manage UNIX file security

Provide a RACF resource to limit who is allowed to change certain security attributes (primarily, owner, permission bits, and acls) of a z/OS UNIX file or directory. As with the existing FSACCESS protection, this mechanism should work at the level...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Future consideration

Use SHR-ENQs when copying with OGET / cp from USS-files to Data set Members

When copying USS files to Members of PDS oder PDS/E data sets an exclusive data set enqueue is being used. So when we try to copy a file to a member the copy operation fails if there is any enqueue on the target data set, even if the member that i...
about 3 years ago in z/OS / USS 0 Future consideration

System SSL and AT-TLS

Provide ability for AT-TLS defined Applications to maintain their Jobnames for use in GSKSRVR SSL Component Traces. Currently, all AT-TLS Applications fall under JOBNAME=TCPIP.
almost 9 years ago in z/OS / SSL 4 Future consideration

z/OSMF DataSet and File search - Small Tunings - Sort by changed date, searchfor options

Add Under Dataset and File Search feature: Columns used by 3270 dataset list utility (Volume, %used, etc) When viewing PDS dataset, add: SORT BY CHANGED DATE, srchfor string option (same used on 3270) sort prompt, id, etc.
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

We need to monitor the InfiniBand activity by CHPID via RMF

We just implemented some CHPIDs , COUPLE Links 1x between 2 sides 16Km long , into Production System but we can NOT see the individual rates of each CHPID . Via RMF III , SYSPLEX / CFSYS , we can see the Subchannel , Paths ,Sync and Async requests...
over 8 years ago in z/OS / Advanced Data Gatherer 3 Future consideration

DFSMShsm for files Incremental File Recovery

We currently use DFSMShsm to back up entire ZFS data sets, as well as Spectrum Protect to back up individual files. When we need to quickly recover a ZFS to the most current state, we first recover the entire ZFS data set, followed by a selective ...
about 5 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 0 Future consideration

Add DSFS DeleteParm to remove obsolete HLQ's

Since Delete is out of scope for the CreateParm then please create a DeleteParm, or something, that can be used to remove obsolete HLQ's defined via CreateParm.
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Data Set File System (DSFS) 1 Future consideration