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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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My ideas

Showing 3566

Simplify syntax for IDCAMS

Allow for an simplified syntax of IDCAMS commands No need for end of line continuation characters '-' or '+'. A statement (such as DEFINE, ALTER) would end when a new one begins. New END-statement syntax (END-DEFINE, END-ALTER) to signify the end ...
8 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 1 Not under consideration

Add an APPL parameter (application name) to internal RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY calls

Add an APPL parameter (application name) for such calls so that INITSTATS can be configured to varying frequency with an APPLDATA profile to RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY calls internal to RACF
8 months ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Future consideration

Enable SSH under OMVS to accept RACF password

I go into OMVS I type ssh userid@host I get back 'FOTS3322 Passwords may not be entered from 3270 terminals' If I can logon to TSO with a userid and password, why can't I logon via SSH with a userid and password? Here are my suggestions: (1) In th...
about 8 years ago in z/OS / OpenSSH 0 Future consideration

z/os message after model conversion takes place using OOCoD or CBU

Needing z/os to report a message when a model conversion takes place with OOCoD or CBU. z/os should report this with out the use of another product.There is an IBM case number associated with this. The case number is TS002615373.
over 5 years ago in z/OS / BCP_IOS 2 Future consideration

Enhance 126char console command limit

A z/OS Console Command is limited to 126 char. For me this is a similar bad limitation as the 100 char jcl parm-limit before z/OS 2.1 (which is lifted now with PARMDD etc.) I´d like to have 1024char.
about 6 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Consoles 2 Future consideration

Supporting all date and time formats of DB2

We use the DB2 date and time formats in our programs. Therefor it is necessary that the language environment - that is the software LE - supports all date and time formats that DB2 supports.Supports means (examples):- day-zero is accepted (00-00-0...
about 10 years ago in z/OS / LE 1 Future consideration

Software Update plugin enhancements - Add the ability to automatically identify and retrieve any missing PTF's and download/receive them and rerun the APPLY CHECK. Also identify PE PTF's that cannot be APPLYed and exclude them.

This would save time and confusion. It would also steer less experienced sysprogs away from the terminal which is (I thought) the whole reason behind z/OSMF. The ability to customize the jobcard (to include parms like a time parm and region parm) ...
8 months ago in z/OS / SMP/E 5 Functionality already exists

RMFIII - Display needed to indicate %age of H/W Group Cap used

Hello IBM, As an example of what we'd like, please take case TS014739169 and also the description below - We have two LPARs in a H/W Cap Group (values taken from RMF PP H A R D W A R E G R O U P R E P O R T) HW GROUP PARTITION SYSTEM ------NAME CP...
8 months ago in z/OS / RMF 0 Future consideration

Use Multi thread when transferring an object

I have a dedicated network for using S3. When i have to transfer a hudge file the transfer took a long time and doesn't fully utilize the dedicated network. The idea is to use multi threading when the customer had big file to transfer.
8 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Cloud Data Access 1 Not under consideration

Have TN3270 Task to provide a Count Down message when a Certificate that is cached it should provide messages on the cert and expiration

The CERT is cached when the TN3270 is started. When that cert is nearing expiration (30 days or less) there are no messages in TN3270 that state the cert is about to expire. Or how many days it is until expiration. Or what the name of the cert tha...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration