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Showing 3566

Add fields SUMECTR, SUMECTRE, SYSECTVC and SYSECEVC to z/OSMF Resource Monitoring

Adding this metrics to Resource Monitoring allows by one hand to have access to metrics that does exist in RMFIII, easier to configure than RMF UTIL and allows system programmers to see statistics related to DDF transactions when high performance ...
9 months ago in z/OS / RMF 0 Future consideration

Provide similar syntax checking for TN3270, PAGENT, SYSLOGD, FTP configuration members to that provided for TCPIP profiles.

Syntax checking is currently available for VTAMLST members and for TCPIP profile members (or elements thereof). Can this be expanded to include TN3270, PAGENT, SYSLOGD and FTP (possibly others) to minimise the likelihood of deploying definitions c...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

Enhance zERT to Detect Non AT-TLS connections.

The product only identifies traffic if it uses ATTLS for encryption. Not all products or app servers connecting to us use ATTLS. For example, MFT is AES256 and yet they show up as unsecured. Same with CICS gateway and others.
over 2 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

HMC WebServices API for Audit Query of User Profile Data

A WS API interface should be provided to send a WS API request to the HMC with an object target of HMC or CPC to gather the equivalent of the Audit and Log Mgmt task data returned for the User Profile Data selection (includes all subtypes of that).
9 months ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / HMC/Support Element (SE) 0 Planned for future release

RMFIII WFEX in batch mode with longer time ranges from 7 to 30 days or more

WFEX (Work Flow Exception) is a performance tool that directly facilitates determination of causes/reasons for delays in workloads. However, the interactive facility on TSO has limitations, it only captures events interactively on short time range...
over 2 years ago in z/OS / RMF 12 Functionality already exists


If a dataset is logically copied/dumped or restored by DFDSS the OWNERID field in the Catalog is reset to NULL. The Customer wants to preserve the previous content of the OWNERID field during DFDSS Copy/Restore because customer uses a function in ...
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 1 Future consideration

ACEECHK to report UNIX pathname and detect change to UID/GID

ACEE modification checking introduced in z/OS 2.4 detects modifications to the base ACEE successfully, but if the modifying program is a UNIX program object, the resulting IRR421I message does not show the full path or program name responsible. In...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

NFS: Support nfs4_setfacl/nfs4_getfacl and read/write named-attributes

Using NFSv4 under z/OS, there is no support for the NFS4_getfacl / NFS4_setfacl commands, and the 'n' - read-named-attributes & 'N' - write-named-attributes.
over 9 years ago in z/OS / Network File System (NFS) 2 Future consideration

Print LE conforming assembler Stack frame storage in CEEDUMP

First I am not sure why LE Stack frame storage is considered language dependent and requires the language to format and print for CEEDUMP. Maybe it is assumed that there will be symbolic data available to match the fields with labels. The LE entry...
about 3 years ago in z/OS / LE 1 Not under consideration

Add SNMP V3 support for events/traps in HMC

Hello, we are implementing monitoring of SNMP events in WWAO focal point and seems it's possible to setup trap in HMC (8561-T01 z15) using V1 only but customer would like to have V3 due to security reasons.
about 3 years ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / HMC/Support Element (SE) 4 Not under consideration