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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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My ideas

Showing 3579

Display GRS,RNL command should explicitly show all information for RNAME

We experienced an issue caused by the incorrect specification of RNL values for catalogs being shared outside of the plex. We were aware of the need to pad the value to 20 or 44 depending on the catalog name but the name was miscounted. In diagnos...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / BCP_GRS 0 Future consideration

Increase TAPEVOL facility class limit to 50k

Current TAPEVOL facility class used by HSM tapes is limited to 10k and we can have 10 suffixes if following volser ranges as numbers. Currently on my system, we have breached this limit and working on moving from TAPEVOL to DATASET facility class....
about 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

IBM SCL needs more content for kc4z, eg.: DB2, MQ, WAS, etc.

I used kc4z since there was no pulldown for IBM Softcopy Librarian. We need more content available from SCL in kc4z format. I'm trying to get off of BookManager and replace it with kc4z, but I'm between a rock and a hardplace. Apparently, z/OS 2.2...
almost 9 years ago in z/OS / Knowledge Center 2 Future consideration

Enhance SDSF limitation for IEESYSAS started tasks

Implement a customization option to permit SDSF commands DA (Active users) ou ST (Status of jobs) to show as JOBNAME the name of the creating AS (like any system AS, user AS, BPXAS or IEESYSAS) or the name of the child task when started by BPXAS o...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / SDSF 1 Not under consideration

Support creating PDSE V2 data sets in FTP Server SITE and Client LOCSITE command

Much to my chagrin, I found that I could not create a PDSE V2 data set using the available parameters in the SITE command, rather only a PDSE V1. I had to use the rather roundabout way of using DFDSS unload, FTP the unload file, then DFDSS reload.
about 2 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration

Enable digitally signed SMF record validation for shutdown/IPL

We create daily SMF dump file with digitally signed SMF records. We then validate (SIGVALIDATE) these files with IFASMFDP. When we shutdown/IPL the system we are not able to successfully validate the SMF dump file of that day.We need to be able to...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / BCP_SMF 2 Not under consideration

In ISPF, requesting a change to allow more than one one control data set for each logical screen to avoid ISRS083 error.

Under certain conditions, an ISPF Allocation Error ISRS083 will occur when stacking commands. Details on how to recreate the error using ISPF SRCHFOR are documented in the attached file. It appears the failure is occurring on the SPFTEMPn.CNTL dat...
almost 9 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 5 Future consideration

z/OSMF Workflow and Workflow Editor should enable variable substitution in Description and Title

In z/OSMF WorkFlow Editor, allow variable substitution in the Step Description field like is allowed in Instructions field; Also allow variable substitution in Title field. Frequently in Step Descriptions and often in Step Titles using variables s...
over 6 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Make DFDSS handle any type of dump file

DFDSS (ADRDSSU) writes variable-length records to a RECFM=U dataset. First, it would be good if it also supported RECFM=V for output, as that is a natural match for variable-length records. Regardless, if that RECFM=U file is ftp'ed to the PC and ...
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 2 Future consideration

TCB field for V64WAENTRY

The 31 bit couterpart VSMLIST has the TCB field IARV64 REQUEST=LIST should have it as well
about 2 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Storage Management (inc. RSM/ASM/VSM/DIV) 0 Future consideration