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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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My ideas

Showing 3588

gskkyman command deficiency

gskkyman command line does not allow for importing CA certificates without a key/password. In other words: gskkyman -i -k "database.kdb" -l "Some CA name" -p "ca.pem" will require a certificate file that has an accompanying key file. When you atte...
almost 8 years ago in z/VM 0 Future consideration

Option to report silent exception handling in LE

During some performance analysis we discovered in CICS trace a huge amount of S0CA - decimal overflow - interrupts caught and recovered by Language Environment. These were caused by a simple ADD statement in a cobol program which runs in an ILC en...
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / LE 0 Future consideration

Prioritization of mount tasks in DFRMM.

Prioritization of mount tasks in DFRMM. RMM should give mount tasks a higher priority then other tasks like catalog request tasks.In the moment there is no prioritization of tasks and all tasks are queued.RMM should interrupted other tasks and ful...
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS RMM 0 Future consideration

Adding Compute Express Link CXL3.0 based on PCIe6 and CXL4.0 based on PCIe7 to the IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE

CXL 3.0 is built upon the IBM OpenCAPI, but CXL3 and CXL 4 have more speeds and will achieve the following: 1- Enabling the Interconnection between IBM LinuxONE and Exa scale AI Data Centers based on Nvidia DGX H100 based on Nvidia H100 GPUs and I...
almost 2 years ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / I/O and Networking 6 Not under consideration

Implement an equivalent to MAXTNDSP used on the CD command for SDUMP today for IEATDUMP/SYSMDUMP/ABDUMP

The Java agent configured in xdump option CICS JVM server triggered a JVM transaction dump (TDUMP). We experienced a two minutes service interruption because TDUMP processing, by design, set all TCBs in the CICS address space in non-dispatchable. ...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Service Aids 0 Future consideration

Request for change to Management of PKCS11 tokens ICSF panel

We are trying to setup on a z/OS LPAR a client-server platform (e.g. Pcomm client to TN3270 server or browser to HTTP server) fully compliant with FIPS 140-2 requirements. To accomplish this task, all TCP/IP AT-TLS policies, security levels and ci...
almost 6 years ago in z/OS / RACF 4 Not under consideration

collect more data for FTP/TN3270 sessions in MONWRITE

We are enabling all FTP and TN3270 in our environment to comply with Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards. With FTP we cannot make it default for the entire environment at this time so we must still allow unsecure FTP to occur. PCI compliance “re...
almost 8 years ago in z/VM 0 Future consideration

Panel GIMISIDT should display full dataset name

Panel GIMISIDT only displays 26 characters of a dataset name that could be 54 characters if a member of a PDS(E) is used. There is a lot of whitespace on this panel, but if that isn't enough, use a multi-line display for each row in the table.
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / SMP/E 1 Future consideration

z/OSMF - Configuration Assistant Backstores Location

Currently under z/OSMF - Configuration Assistant, there is no option to specifiy where files are stored. This causes issues in our environment where 87 copies of z/OSMF exist. We currentlly have /var/ directory setup that is maintanence specific a...
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 3 Not under consideration

SYSLOGD new parm data class

For SYSLOGD a new parameter 'dataclass' under BeginArchiveParms should be available to define the dataclass for archive datasets.
almost 6 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 2 Not under consideration