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Showing 3574

zOSMF Properties of Workflow Screen needs to allow others in the group to see all tabs

If a racf group in addition to to a individual are assigned to to a task/step, the members of the team that were not the individual owners of a task/step could not see any of the info in the Dependencies, Perform, Status, Input Variables, and Feed...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

RMF details about ECSA consuption by %MVS and VTAM address space

%MVS and VTAM represent one of the biggest consumers of ECSA memory, and as we often have shortage alerts, it would be interesting to know which processes are consuming more ECSA. With more details we could prevent system interruptions and transac...
about 2 years ago in z/OS / RMF 4 Not under consideration

Z/OS PARMDD to support started task parameter

Please have PARMDD support started task parameter
about 3 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Scheduler 0 Future consideration

Enhance Report of IFASMFDL

IBM Redbook SG247919 includes three SMF user exits SMFDPUX3, SMFDPUX2 and SMFDPUX1 which show a much more detailled report of the records dumped as the standard record does. The report includes the subtypes and the system ID where the record came ...
over 6 years ago in z/OS / BCP_SMF 1 Future consideration

Enhance the IPSEC command to delete a shadow tunnel

We hit an issue where the main SWSA tunnel came down but one of the shadow tunnels remained active and thus caused our server on that host to become unresponsive. We had no way of removing the shadow tunnel to resume our workload on that LPAR and ...
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

HSM improvement related to the ARCMDEXT EXIT and new parameter request

The Itau bank has 2 very large Sysplexes Bank and Cards.The Bank environment has a heavy batch workload that relies on the HSM task. The batch processing has a lot of GDG datasets.The Itau is using the EXIT ARCMDEXT to inform the HSM during the mi...
about 3 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 1 Future consideration

Populate SMF 82 40 CMACZERO fingerprint for more key types

Having a single key fingerprint or checksum in the SMF data leads to collisions when trying to validate that the same key is not present in multiple environments. Having a second fingerprint in the SMF 82 40 records would help us to determine whet...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / ICSF 2 Future consideration

Improve error reporting/LOGREC records associated with OBTAIN failure

We recently experienced an issue that involved VTOC corruption which required a ZAP to fix the VTOC. When the error occurred and was reported, there were messages and a LOGREC record that identified the volume involved, but there was no way to kno...
6 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Disk Storage SW Support 0 Future consideration

CDA plugin on Zosmf

We're using CDA (DHSMS) more and more to feed S3 Buckets that are managed by colleagues on OPEN teams who are less at ease with the z/OS world.They'd like to be able to use z/osmf to list the Buckets defined for a user and possibly enter the acces...
6 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Cloud Data Access 0 Future consideration

RRSF: Password/passphrase re-synchronization

With the implementation of RRSF, it is possible to synchronize a user's password/passphrase between different RACF databases. Due to various technical reasons, sometimes a user's password/passphrase may get out of sync in such a RRSF environmen...
6 months ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration