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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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Showing 2957

DFSort support for non-extended encrypted files

Our company intends to use pervasive encryption to encrypt our mainframe datasets, but DFSort currently does not support non-extended encrypted files. It is crucial that this support is implemented since all our sorting is done through DFSort and ...
over 3 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS DFSORT 1 Planned for future release

Display machine bundle level with a z/OS operator command

Currently, there is no z/OS operator command to display the MCL bundle level for a z machine.Enhance D M=CPU (or some other MVS command - D IPLINFO or D XCF) to provide this information.
over 6 years ago in z/OS / BCP_IOS 0 Future consideration

zERT Long running reports - Next to Impossible in the current state of zERT

Hi zERT is mainly used to get a cryptographic picture of the systems we manage. That inherently means it is used to analyze the entire TCPIP traffic on the stacks. Now with this much data going in as the input and we in our shop make it a lean ext...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

Software Update plugin enhancements - Add the ability to automatically identify and retrieve any missing PTF's and download/receive them and rerun the APPLY CHECK. Also identify PE PTF's that cannot be APPLYed and exclude them.

This would save time and confusion. It would also steer less experienced sysprogs away from the terminal which is (I thought) the whole reason behind z/OSMF. The ability to customize the jobcard (to include parms like a time parm and region parm) ...
8 months ago in z/OS / SMP/E 5 Functionality already exists

RMFIII - Display needed to indicate %age of H/W Group Cap used

Hello IBM, As an example of what we'd like, please take case TS014739169 and also the description below - We have two LPARs in a H/W Cap Group (values taken from RMF PP H A R D W A R E G R O U P R E P O R T) HW GROUP PARTITION SYSTEM ------NAME CP...
8 months ago in z/OS / RMF 0 Future consideration

Use Multi thread when transferring an object

I have a dedicated network for using S3. When i have to transfer a hudge file the transfer took a long time and doesn't fully utilize the dedicated network. The idea is to use multi threading when the customer had big file to transfer.
8 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Cloud Data Access 1 Not under consideration

Obviate need for base register when using EZASMI interface

Right now use of the EZASMI interface to TCP/IP sockets programming requires a base register. It would be nice if that were not the case because it hampers development of baseless programs. I'd find it reasonable if a solution were provided based ...
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

Additional protection needed for critical data, in order to further prevent accidental deletion

On August 20 our storage team caused an unfortunate issue, while cleaning a volume on the behest of the customer DB Systel. On the LPAR BLP7, an outage was caused, as the active primary and backup RACF db-s were deleted. While this was remedied an...
over 3 years ago in z/OS / RACF 2 Not under consideration

Allow customer to use zIIP via IWM4ECRE - for ML processing

Please allow customer to call IWM4ECRE for zIIP usage for their home grown ML(machine learning) application on hybrid cloud environment. Without being able to use zIIPs it would be prohibitively expensive which does not allow customers to fully ut...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / General 1 Not under consideration

Improvement to BPX SYNTAXCHECK (z/OS v2r5)

As requested in Case TS011449479, I suggest that BPX SYNTAXCHECK functionality include validation of path. Test on a 2.5 system where the leading '/' was missing from a mount path: EDIT SYS1.PARMLIB(BPXPRMDG) MOUNT FILESYSTEM('ZOS25.ETC.ZFS')TYPE(...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / USS 0 Future consideration