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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal
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Showing 3001

Listuser command allows for 'enumeriation' of valid userids

As seen below. When one does a "LU <EXISTING USER>" you get the message : "NOT AUTHORIZED TO LIST IBMUSER"When the user it not present on the system, you get the message "UNABLE TO LOCATE USER ENTRY NOTHERE" It would be better if the reply i...
6 months ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Future consideration

Support the use of underscores in URIs

Our customer's web administrators often generate names with underscores in their URI/URL. I was told this is not supported because underscores are not defined as being part of hostnames. Yet, we're talking about URIs, not hostnames. As per IETF RF...
8 days ago in z/OS / web enablement toolkit 0 Submitted

selecting tape volumes to be recycled, or excluded from recycle process, by sms tape storage group

Today's DFHSM RECYCLE command allows to include/exclude volumes by volser range, or volser list, or tape residence. It would be nice to have an option to select volumes using the sms tape STORAGEGROUP as criterion. This would help in keeping to se...
9 days ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 0 Submitted

Usage of the "Common Plattform Enumeration" (CPE) for IBM Products in the "IBM Z an LinuxOne Security Portal" within Resource link

Given that vulnerability and patch management is not only a concern of the z ecosystem in an organization, the software to manage vulnerability data should be able to handle sources and vulnerabilities for multiple platforms. Therefore a standardi...
12 months ago in z/OS / General 5 Not under consideration

z/OSMF store result into log file

We had the situation that an ISV software trys to call an z/OSMF REST API (dataset service). The ISV product only returned HTTP 500. In the z/OSMF logs, also only the HTTP 500 was visible. The error that was seen within z/OS was: ICH408 for $LIBPA...
about 2 months ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Submitted

Media manager interfaces should provide feedback as to whether writes are actually using zHyperWrite or not

The media manager interfaces don't give enough feedback about whether zHyperWrite is working or not. They only tell a caller that a data-set is zHyperWrite enabled, or not, during initial connect to that data-set. zHyperWrite state can easily chan...
3 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Media Manager 1 Future consideration

Allow for individual RACF installations to select their own pass phrase controls like Broadcom allows for ACF2

JPMC has a policy regarding pass phrases as follows: Password length of 16 characters or greater must be enforced Passwords must not be one of the last 10 passwords used Passwords must not include the digital identity username Passwords must not c...
about 1 month ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Future consideration

LISTCAT dates should provide dates in ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DD

LISTCAT output dates (creation, expiration or lbackup) of an entry are only displayed in Julian format. It should be very useful an additional ISO8601 format as well. Kind regards Konstantinos
about 1 month ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 1 Under review

Describe the catalog mapping information for capacity estimation

When we migrated the sequential data sets to SMS environment, the user catalog ran out of space, and many batch jobs were ABEND. This was due to an increase in the size of catalog entries due to the use of a maximum of 59 for the Volume Count of ...
7 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 2 Planned for future release

Support DFSMSrmm Search Owner

Today in DFSMSrmm there is the ability to search for all records except for owner records. In an environment using DFSMSrmm since years there are a lot of obsolete owner records, but a customer/user is not able to find out this records. For every ...
4 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS RMM 1 Future consideration