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Based on customer feedback, this RFE is being renamed to "Support NOTIFY JCL in PROCs and INCLUDEs" and that requirement is recognized.
Hi IBM_Systems_Developer,
One of the drawbacks of the NOTIFY JCL statement is that - as far as I know - it cannot be included in a member.
With the system symbol, I could put the following job step in a "@NOTIFY" member in my JCL library:
SEND '&JOBNAME completed with RC=&RC' USER(user_id)
Then I could use "// INCLUDE MEMBER=@NOTIFY" in the JCL jobs.
This would allow for changing who is being notified in one place (instead of editing every job).
Could something like this be done with NOTIFY?
Have you considered what can be done with the NOTIFY JCL statement that was introduced in z/OS 2.3? It allows notifications to be sent to a TSO user via a message or to an email address. It can be done conditionally (based on the jobs return code). It can also send a notification if the job does not run (ie it is canceled). However it does not allow a TSO SEND type notification and it cannot be placed in a PROC.
So is a symbol with the jobs return code to this point still needed? Or would enhancing the existing NOTIFY JCL be a better direction?
Yes, and the advantage of this is that you don't need to be a SYSVIEW/SDSF shop.
In addition, a lot of sites use custom assembler programs to send completion codes at the end of a job, so I think this would be a big ease-of-use improvement for them.
(The NOTIFY job card parameter is nice, but the only disadvantage is that you cannot include it as a member. So if you have a lot of jobs, you can't change who is being notified from one place. )
Overall, the biggest advantage would be flexibility
You may use sdsf rexx api to geht the return /abend codes of all previous steps and calculate the max-rc or 1st abend code yourself
But i agree it would be nice to have easier support for this
Yes! I was thinking of submitting this exact RFE myself just a few days ago.