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There are technical reasons why the $CS,P command was allowed related to the resiliency work that was done in z/OS 2.3. It was needed to be able to get runaway processes (in particular started tasks) out of the system when there is no SPOOL space.
However, the requirement to limit commands against production stated tasks is a valid requirement. This has been expressed in several ways that involve not only preventing canceling running STCs and JOBs to requiring actions to limit purging the output of key jobs at the job level (like the $PJ or $PS command).
To address these requirement, the proposal is to extend the use of the existing PROTECTED attribute to any job (STCs and TSUs). To accomplish this, the proposal is to support the following:
- The ability to use the $T command to set the PROTECTED attribute of any job
- A new policy function to check and set the PROTECTED attribute in the post conversion policy (JobConversion).
- A new keyword on the JOBCLASS statement to set PROTECTED for all jobs within the job class (STC and TSU classes included)
Once the PROTECTED attribute is set, the job cannot be canceled or purge at the job level by mistake. For example:
STC00036 $HASP003 RC=(85),C
JOB00037 $HASP003 RC=(85),P
This should prevent job from being accidentally cancelled or purged based on installation preferences (and policy). SDSF honors the PROTECTED attribute and would not allow a ???P' command to purge a job. A ???PP' command would be needed