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Yes, thanks. we can add these wild cards also for the &JOBNAME, &DD, &PGM as well. but the urgent requirement for us here is on our site for the &DSN. Other read only variables are most welcome for this functionality.
I think to facilitate these enhancements, we can mimic the edit pattern format such a the p'@@####' which has been in ISPF edit for a while now.
Thank you very much.
Not just the &DSN variable but others such as &JOBNAME and &DD, &PGM etc it would be useful too.
As an example for temp DSN, the DSN pattern of SYS%%%%%.T%%%%%%.** would be used. Since all the % represents alpha & numerics, it wont narrow it down to numerics only. For these wildcarded characters to be narrowed down only to numerics we will need to code a combination/permutation of 10x11 lines. such as
SYS2%%%%.T%%%%%% , so on and so forth
Just to illustrate, this is just using temp DSN as an example. instead of coding 110 DSN patterns we just need to code only one desired DSN pattern. Thanks, Ed