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I understand the reasoning behind a decision to stop using exits. Not only does someone need to write the exit but then it has to be maintained. That said, the lack of the ability to write to the joblog to inform why the job was failed is a BIG deficiency in the implementation.
I would vote for adding the capability to the JES policy implementation.
We are currently migrating from JES3 and we wrote an AUTHJOB policy that checks Resource rules for account code and execution class utilization. The checks work fine using the AuthorityCheck function but the SendMessage action is not messaging the application end user in the JESMSGLG. Big miss and show stopper :-((
I think this should be a HIGH priority. If a job is canceled by a policy, I can´t expect the user to scroll through the SYSLOG looking for the reason. A user might not even have access to the SYSLOG. I should have the option that the message be also (or exclusively) sent to the JOB LOG.