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Over the past several releases, SDSF has generalized the ULOG to contain messages related to the user session as well as system commands and responses. Over time, additional messages and diagnostics will be written to ULOG. It is acting more like an overall log for the user.
As a result, in v2r5 access to ULOG was changed to be unauthorized, i.e., all users automatically have access to ULOG. There are other functions that are like this, obviously HELP, SEARCH, COLSHELP (COLH), CMDH, ACTH, MENU and SRCH.
When SAF access is denied and RACF returns an ICH408I message, the message is written to ULOG. Note that when the user has PROF WTP in effect, the ICH408I message will also be written to the terminal regardless of whether the user accesses ULOG. Similarly if you run SDSF in batch you will get the SAF messages.
In addition, all resources checked are documented, so the ICH408I message in ULOG is not exposing anything that cannot otherwise be derived.
An extended console will be activated on first access to ULOG. If you want to control activation of the console based on access to ULOG, a custom property is provided for compatibility. Property Console.EMCS.UlogAuthReq can be set in ISFPRMxx.
When set to TRUE, SDSF will only activate an extended console when the user has read authority to ISFCMD.ODSP.ULOG.jesx. This means that the user will be able to access ULOG but activation of the extended console can still be controlled through use of the ISFCMD.ODSP.ULOG.jesx profile.