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Any updates on this?
What does a Status of "Future consideration" mean? Is there a timeline/schedule for this RFE?
I cannot believe this has not been added already.
This is a very important improvement we need to comply with corporate audits! It would be great to have a implementation schedule available!
This is in the process of becoming a requirement for our company. This will be a risk exception until implemented.
Hi please give at least a feedback on when you will implement it, since it is an RFC4954 of 2007
Need to include the AUTH command on CSSMTP component on zOS TCPIP in order to comply with the rfc4954
Our shop is also converting to AUTH for SMTP an is in place for a number of non-z/OS users
We also need AUTH for SMTP for z/VM 7.2
AUTH for SMTP is mandatory for our Company
Please implement is asap
There is a strong push towards greater cyber security requriements and the AUTH command is important for security compliance.