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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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All ideas

Showing 3566 of 3566

ADRDSSU Dump should generate SMF records on input datasets and volumes

IZBR uses smf records to build the Backup Table. It can process standard smf records when backups are made by various programs like IDCAMS or IEBCOPY but not from (the most commonly used backup method) ADRDSSU DUMP (or COPY). Now clients can set u...
about 2 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 1 Under review

SDSF - update CFS panel in column Encrypt

While the SDSF 'CFS' panel provides a great overview for all details of the structure including encryption details, it would be great if the panel can incorporate the feasibility of encryption or not by structure type. By design, structures from t...
6 months ago in z/OS / SDSF 1 Not under consideration

ISPF: Provide a way to dynamically define a line command table

With the demise of LMAC due to lack of support there needs to be a way to dynamically define an ISPF Edit/View line command table for the life of the Edit/View session. This would over-ride the global_line_command_table from the ispf config. Alter...
12 months ago in z/OS / ISPF 0 Future consideration

Use the IBM Ideas portal to report and monitor status of z/OS documentation RCF's

Recent responses to a documentation omission message sent to the regular RCF email address ( received a response that RCF's no longer normally receive any response from the documentation team(s). Users who have taken the trouble to...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Documentation 1 Not under consideration

ISPF Edit should be site configurable to prevent the Editing of a non-zero PDSE member generation.

Editing a non-zero (non-base) PDSE member generation is asking for trouble for many reasons, the least of which is that non-zero generations are not able to be accessed via JCL or dynamic allocation. After much discussion on PDSEGEN the decision a...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 0 Future consideration

Improvemet for recovery from MCL out of sync status

The failure of SE console HDD were occurred during MCL apply. Then it was MCL out of sync status.If the difference between MCL of SE Console and MCL of CPC is 1 Level, POR (Power on Reset) is not required for recovery.However, if it is 2 levels or...
almost 6 years ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / HMC/Support Element (SE) 3 Not under consideration

z/OSMF Config Assistant: Support read only mode when backing store is locked

When a user needs to open a backing store in the Configuration Assistant and the backing store is in use by another user, you are presented with the option of canceling or destroying the other user's lock. If the user only needs to view the config...
7 months ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration

In z/OS the client needs a possibility to create keytab files with the option for custom salts to be used with WAS or other Components

Traditionally the keytab utility was shipped with the IBM Java SDK until Java 8 but misses the functionality to use a custom SALT. From Java 11 on, it was not further shipped. IBM z/OS offers a keytab utility but with very limited support to use a...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Network Authentication Service 0 Future consideration

To be complete, the IPCS SUMMARY COMMAND dispatchablity information needs to go beyond TCBFLGS4 and also include WEB dispatchablity information plus more

From IPCS, the SUMMARY command is widely used to determine the state of a TCB in a given address space. That includes the TCBFLGS4 non-dispatiblity flags. For example, if a TCB was in an RB wait via the Wait service, IPCS would state that 'Top RB ...
11 months ago in z/OS / BCP_Supervisor 1 Future consideration

Enhance D OMVS command to show all active PARMLIB members used

At IPL time a d omvs command will display all the BPXPRMxx members used as expected. But if a t omvs=xx is issued later then the d omvs command will only report on that one BPXPRMxx and *not* the prior members which is misleading and incorrect as ...
6 months ago in z/OS / USS 1 Future consideration