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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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All ideas

Showing 1516

Provide enanched, automatically manageable information on STP status

STP related errors are displayed in the syslog very early at IPL time, and this makes it difficult for them to be captured by automation and monitoring tools on the fly. We request to enhance the “”DISPLAY ETR” command in two ways: - Include more ...
over 2 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Timer 2 Not under consideration

Add a parameter to control the time allowed between IPLs in different CPCs (message ILR031A)

Hello, (We use z/OS 2.5 and GDPS 4.6) We use GDPS to perform DR scenarios. In our DR scenario testing, we've mastered the process and can now perform the whole process in less than 20 minutes. We currently DR the Production systems in 21-22 minute...
10 months ago in z/OS / BCP_Storage Management (inc. RSM/ASM/VSM/DIV) 2 Not under consideration

Provide mechanism to view security environment of every address space in System.

Need utility to view security environment of address spaces. This should include as a MINIMUM the RACF user assigned to the address space.However, other items such as the readable items in the ACEE, atrributes (SPECIAL, OPERATIONS and so on), POE,...
almost 3 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

auditing of certificate usage

Provide a means of auditing usage of specific certificates.
almost 9 years ago in z/OS / RACF 2 Not under consideration

List all SEGMENTS from LISTUSER or LISTGRP command

Using RACF Commands LISTUSER and LISTGRP there is no way to list all the segments on the User ID or Group without listing each segment name on the command. The request is to allow the use of ALL on the LISTUSER or LISTGRP command to list all segme...
about 4 years ago in z/OS / RACF 2 Not under consideration

USS tar command support with zEDC

USS tar command support with zEDC Express Adaper for compress and uncompress. Currently, we need the third vender software with zEDC for compress, but versatility expands if USS tar command can be used with zEDC express adaptor. The CPU Time is re...
over 7 years ago in z/OS / Shell & Utilities 3 Not under consideration

Allow IP Address binding for PORTRANGE statements

Currently it is only possible to use IP Address binding on PORT statements and not PORTRANGE statements. For a number of application (eg. DB2) where one Server listens on multiple ports that should only be accessed over a particular IP Address, cu...
4 months ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

Prevent the user to activate all RACF cdt classes trying to list the active options

The way RACF is designed today, it doesn't allow an user to filter sort of options it has in effect. For example, if I want to list only the active classes, there isn't a filter for that suggesting I should use SETROPTS LIST to list everything. Th...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / RACF 4 Not under consideration

Add Master Catalog enqueue (or something) to prevent unexpected master catalog delete

We roll out maintenance through a rolling IPL process. Each maintenance IPL uses a rotating cycle of 2 or 3 sysres sets (call them A, B and possibly C), of which the oldest is built with the new maintenance each time. Part of this process is to al...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 2 Not under consideration

VTAM Connection Network Pending PU Processing

When a Connection Network PU goes into a pending state during connection establishment, VTAM does not perform any INOP Processing as it does for native Enterprise Extender connections. The pending PU remains in the pending state for an indefinite ...
about 4 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration