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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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All ideas

Showing 1805

Allow suppression of messages to JOBLOG in MPFLSTxx PARMLIB members

Currently we have a number of messages which we don't want to suppress but we don't want to be visible in the JOBLOG as they can cause clutter. We stop these messages going to JOBLOG by using an MPF exit and coding the following: OI CTXTERF3,CTXTE...
about 2 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Consoles 0 Future consideration

RACF won't start in SSI if database disk is unavailable

Running on a z/VM 6.3.0 system in an SSI cluster, the customer's primary RACF database disk became unusable. Symptoms of the unusable database disk include: - When attempting to LOGON to a valid userid, the logon failed with message RPIMGR040T Use...
over 4 years ago in z/VM 0 Future consideration

Where record length is less than 16, or EXCP access method is used, do not encrypt instead of abending with an S213 open error

With the large number of basic format physical sequential datasets in our environment that are legitimatelly less than 16 bytes, or the relatively large number of programs that execute EXCP access method, it is very disruptive to abend the associa...
about 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS OCEOV 0 Future consideration

Enhance data returned by IARV64 REQUEST=LIST to improve tracking of memory object creation history.

Shared memory objects are commonly used in system software and can be accessed by multiple system address spaces and components. Diagnosis for memory problems where large shared memory objects are involved would be made easier by enhanced ownershi...
about 2 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Storage Management (inc. RSM/ASM/VSM/DIV) 0 Future consideration

Inclusion of DEVNO disk definitions on the dirmap report processing

The customer wants the DEVNO disk to be included in the DIRMAP / DISKMAP reports to have a better management with IBM-Wave. In a large installation controlled by IBM-Wave like this, it would improve the management by having all the disk used under...
over 6 years ago in z/VM 0 Future consideration

Override EATTR attribute during Dfdss copy

Why is it useful? Current problem: Unable to use the Cylinder Managed Space (CMS) on an EAV volume during the DFDSS copy of large files. Copy job fails, with space abends even though the space is there. Use case/work around: DFDSS copy of large fi...
about 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 1 Future consideration

Need to cater for changing DLIBs when moving from small to larger volumes (catalog entry mismatch)

zOSMF is currently very restrictive and prevents installation to continue if DLIB catalog entries do not match. Especially in our case where we were moving from 3xMOD9 DLIB volumes to one MOD27 for DLIB datasets. This caused the installation to ha...
about 2 years ago in z/OS / SMP/E 3 Future consideration

Enhance UNIX to allow file level control using WHEN(SERVAUTH)

Please enhance z/OS UNIX so that WHEN(SERVAUTH) support in RACF can be used to grant access at a file level in UNIX.
almost 9 years ago in z/OS / USS 2 Future consideration

Add a function to monitor transaction statistics in DFSMStvs

DFSMStvs will be part of the main IBM products at this integrated IBM client account, but there is a TVS enhancement that we want to have. We are asking IBM to implement a new TVS function to monitor transaction statistics. We want to have somethi...
almost 9 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS VSAM/RLS 1 Future consideration

Allow volumes/devices to be marked online during LOADxx processing.

This may not be the correct component. Customer is requesting a process, possibly in the LOADxx member, that allows them to manipulate the status of I/O devices defined in the IODF dynamically at IPL time prior to their being needed. If the IODF m...
almost 7 years ago in z/OS / BCP_IOS 0 Future consideration