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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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Showing 2979 of 3582

Enhance ISPF LMMDEL to support PDSE Member Generations

If use on a member generations then just delete that generation. If use on generation 0 (base member) then delete the base member and *all* generations.
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 0 Future consideration

Enhance JCL TYPRUN=SCAN testing to JES2 Symbol Replace in Instream Data

In z/OS 2.1 TYPRUN=SCAN finds more Job Errors if INTERPRET JES is activated in JESparm. This is nice, but i´ld like to see an additional enhancement related to z/OS 2.1 JES2 Symbol Replacement in Instream Data using//xyz DD *,SYMBOLS=(...) TYPRUN=...
over 9 years ago in z/OS / JES2 1 Future consideration

SYSZIGW0 should prevent deletion

My customer encountered the message IGW039I while allocating a new dataset although the dataset could have been deleted normally. The deletion should be prevented by qname SYSZIGW0. Please refer to case TS009656465 for more details.
over 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS PDS/PDSE 1 Not under consideration

JES2 Storage exhaustion due to uncontrolled $JEWL creation/removal

Currently when an external task attempts to process a JES2 JOE and an error occurs, i.e. insufficient security access, JES2 builds a $JEWL control block for each JOE that was touched. The $JEWL is kept until one of the following conditions is met:...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / JES2 0 Future consideration

Reduce the polling time between zOSMF Workflow/Template Steps

For a non-REST-steps in z/OSMF Workflow like JCL step, there is an internal poll time which is 5 seconds (fix). Currently, the Workflow users cannot reduce the internal poll time manually. For Services or Application that use z/OSMF Templates or W...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

The ability to expunge old data set records from the RMM CDS is required

Due to the first in first out usage of scratch volumes in SMSTAPE and the fact that DFRMM maintains the data set records for volumes in scratch status, the RMM CDS may become full of data set records that are very old and unneeded. These records e...
about 3 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS RMM 0 Future consideration

There is no support for the Russian language

Product: Zowe CLI, VS Code Extension for Zowe A user (administrator or developer) edits or views data from datasets of the z / OS operating system directly through the web interface of z / osmf or products interacting with it, using the IBM-1025 e...
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Healthcheck for CPU consuming remaining USS subprocess

There is no internal instrument of the operating system which detects and terminates processes as described in the use case. We received a user modified health check which solves the described lack. It would be good if it becomes part of the offic...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / USS 2 Future consideration

ACS Read Only Variable for RECFM

The need for RECFM read only ACS variable. Some physical sequential files are not eligible to be Extended Format or can advantage z/EDC. This exception is particularly true for RECFM=FS (Fix Spanned). A &RECFM read only variable would make it ...
over 6 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS SMS 0 Future consideration

Cipher preference order when using JCECCARACFKS

When using JCECCARACFKS for pgp certificate creation, EF is not honoring on export option -eA racf algorithms for cipher preference order. Neither does it help when overriding those options for encryption and hashing algorithms with -cipher-name o...
about 8 years ago in z/OS / Encryption Facility 0 Not under consideration