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Showing 3577 of 3577

IEBPDSE enhancement for data pages overlaid

Our customer encountered JES2 ABEND because HASJES20 was corrupted after the PDSE had been copied from the test system. Contents in 4 data pages(just 16KB) were certainly different from original. But IEBPDSE utility cannot check out. Our customer ...
over 8 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS PDS/PDSE 5 Future consideration

z/OSMF to show local LPAR name explicitly

Need z/OSMF to explicitly display Local LPAR name on all z/OSMF panels, such as not having to look to the URL to determine what system we are working with.
over 5 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 2 Future consideration

Allow multiple Jobnames per rule in AT-TLS Policy. Mask won't work for jobs like J363100, J491001. J* will pull in all jobs.

1. A bank has provided 3 different client server certificates in addition to the usual server certificates. 2. Different applications FTP to the bank from a z/OS Lpar using a batch JCL. Mainframe is the client. 3. For each of the FTP job, we need ...
over 6 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

REALLOCATE TEST should provide more screening for potential structure duplexing issues.

REALLOCATE TEST needs to provide additional screening for potential structure duplexing issues. For example, if a REALLOCATE is performed while a structure is in simplex mode with DUPlEX(ENABLED) . and only failed-persistent structures, the REALLO...
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / BCP_XCF/XES 0 Future consideration

SOCKS Configuration - Limitation

We have a problem with the SOCKS configuration in Mainframe that dont allow the use of DNS on the FTP server destination and only allow the use of IP Address. My concern here is that the network department setup rules on the SOCKS Server (the one ...
over 6 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 2 Not under consideration

Provisioning workflow for zCX instance provisioning

Current standalone workflow to provision zCX instances is very well made. We believe zCX instance provisioning should also be made available as a provisoning workflow, which would include all the additional configuration done by z/OSMF cloud provi...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / Container Extensions (zCX) 0 Future consideration

Granular security for DFSMSHSM modify commands

The use case: Mainframe user wants to recover his/her data sets using HSM modify command. Because the mainframe user does not have Storage Administrator permissions the recover data set command fails. Storage Administrator must protect all HSM mod...
12 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 1 Future consideration

z/OSMF Zert database access layer

The goal to have some level of role-based access controls within the zERT Network Analyzer application itself. For example, there could be a role that can only execute queries and view the reports, another that can create, update and delete querie...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration

r_admin source unknown in SMF records

Add requester job name to RACF records for r_admin requests
almost 5 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

MVS "VARY OFFLINE" for an offline device should not request SYSIEFSD Q4 ENQ for 5 seconds

The current implementation for processing a VARY-OFFLINE-command is to request the "SYSIEFSD Q4" enqueue exclusively and cancel this request after 5 seconds if it could not be obtained.If due to some error or during allocation recovery some shared...
over 8 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Consoles 2 Future consideration