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Showing 1798

New verify option of DSS COPY for PDSE data integrity

Provide new verify option to ADRDSSU COPY function.Our customer encountered data page curruption of the copied PDSE. DSS copy ended RC=00 but some data pages of one PDSE "SYS1.SHASLNKE" were overlayed.Now our customer always verify PDSE using ISRS...
over 8 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 10 Future consideration

Our internal security group has removed support for 'AuthType Basic'. I have been told that IBM HTTP Server only supports AuthType Basic. We currently have an exception in place, for our software package that relies on IBM HTTP. I believe that IBM HTTP should be update to support other/valid AuthType settings. Please see IBM case # TS011728903. I was mistaken in my thought we were using Websphere.

At the current time, our one application (vendor provided) would not function (with user validation) without AuthType Basic. I could turn off authentication, but that is not a desired option. Our workaround will only be in place temporarily.
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / http server 0 Future consideration

Options in ISPF interface in z/OSMF

Hi, In most installations, in TSO/E login panel the command parameter has some CLIST or REXX programs specified for execution. The same option is missing in z/OSMF ISPF interface. Please consider to add this option. In absence of this option, we a...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 1 Future consideration

DFSMSdss DUMP/Restore MSS>=1

Because of address contraint (one SYSPLEX) we are using multiple MSS. We are using MSS 0 for MetroMirror (aka PPRC) primary devices.We are using MSS 1 for MetroMirror (aka PPRC) secondary devices. We are planning to do consistent Flashcopy for all...
over 6 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 0 Future consideration

Request for a conversion code in the Toolkit for COBOL

We have a zSeries COBOL program using the HTTP z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit to act as http client. The program receives a JSON string from the partner system, which is parsed by the toolkit HWTJPARS, then values are extracted using HWTJSRCH....
over 2 years ago in z/OS / web enablement toolkit 0 Future consideration

Allow suppression of TSO message OPERATOR ACTION HAS BEEN REQUESTED FOR YOUR DATA SET when accessing GDG tape

The current experience for when a TSO user opens GDG tape datasets via dynamic allocation is the user will receive message on screen "OPERATOR ACTION HAS BEEN REQUESTED FOR YOUR DATA SET" for each dataset referenced. This happens because a TPUT is...
8 months ago in z/OS / TSO 1 Future consideration

Improvement to BPX SYNTAXCHECK (z/OS v2r5)

As requested in Case TS011449479, I suggest that BPX SYNTAXCHECK functionality include validation of path. Test on a 2.5 system where the leading '/' was missing from a mount path: EDIT SYS1.PARMLIB(BPXPRMDG) MOUNT FILESYSTEM('ZOS25.ETC.ZFS')TYPE(...
about 2 years ago in z/OS / USS 0 Future consideration

Enable SSH under OMVS to accept RACF password

I go into OMVS I type ssh userid@host I get back 'FOTS3322 Passwords may not be entered from 3270 terminals' If I can logon to TSO with a userid and password, why can't I logon via SSH with a userid and password? Here are my suggestions: (1) In th...
about 8 years ago in z/OS / OpenSSH 0 Future consideration

z/os message after model conversion takes place using OOCoD or CBU

Needing z/os to report a message when a model conversion takes place with OOCoD or CBU. z/os should report this with out the use of another product.There is an IBM case number associated with this. The case number is TS002615373.
over 5 years ago in z/OS / BCP_IOS 2 Future consideration

Enhance 126char console command limit

A z/OS Console Command is limited to 126 char. For me this is a similar bad limitation as the 100 char jcl parm-limit before z/OS 2.1 (which is lifted now with PARMDD etc.) I´d like to have 1024char.
about 6 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Consoles 2 Future consideration