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All ideas

Showing 3574 of 3574

Request to add more flexibility to PDSE Member Generations

This is an enhancement suggestion for the next version of PDSE libraries. With PDSE V2, you can retain multiple generations of members. This feature may have been added to close one of the remaining PDSE functionality gaps compared to regular PDS ...
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS PDS/PDSE 3 Future consideration

Support SHAREOPTIONS when creating a VSAM with JCL

We are trying to use the JCL DD statement to create some VSAM Data Sets to remove the extra IDCAMS DEFINE steps in some jobs. It is working quite well, especially if we are using the LIKE parameter to get most of the properties from 'model' VSAMs....
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS SMS 1 Future consideration

Add functionality to report PDSE version 1 or 2 in DCOLLECT

PDSE v2 data sets were introduced in zOS v2.1. Yet I have no means to monitor and report existence of PDSE v2 data sets.
over 9 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 3 Not under consideration

Evicting a job and restarting should work as expected even when there are passed temporary datasets.

When a batch job is evict and restarted, it no longer has access to passed temporary data sets. The requested enhancement is make this process work as expected, which is for the job to be able to continue correctly after eviction and restart when ...
almost 9 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Scheduler 2 Not under consideration

provide a way to list data sets in the order they appear on the volume using IEHLIST

Currently, IEHLIST LISTVTOC only lists the data sets on a volume in alphabetical order. We would like a way to have the data sets listed in order as they appear on the volume or the order they appear in the VTOC itself.
about 3 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Utilities 0 Future consideration

SMP/E unconditional exclude

SMP/E RSU maintenance is standard process for many users. Our case is simple. We applied maintenance and found sysmod which caused problem for our application. We restored sysmod which caused issue. In next maintenance cycle we run RSU maintenance...
over 3 years ago in z/OS / SMP/E 0 Future consideration

Improve the OMVS CP command performance

The current cp command is painfully slow when used to copy all members of a PDS in either direction (z/OS PDS to USS or vice versa). It appears the command does an Alloc/Open/Copy/Close/Free for *EACH* member when it should do Alloc/Open/copy each...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Shell & Utilities 7 Future consideration

Override Unique WorkflowName Requirement

Creating an override to bypass the unique zOSMF WorkflowNames requirement
over 3 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

zOSMF ISPF Plugin - TSO Privileged Logon

Via zOSMF ISPF plugin it is not possible to do a PRIVILEGED "SUBSYS(HASP)" TSO Logon.
almost 5 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Provide support for IKED/NSSD for PassPhrases or Protected in RACF

Our organization is migrating from a password to passphrase environment. Our userids for the IKED and NSSD started tasks have passwords. We would like to make these IDs RACF PROTECTED or be able to use a PassPhrase. But it seems via the case that ...
about 2 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration