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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

This is the public portal for all IBM Z Hardware and Operating System related offerings. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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My ideas

Showing 33

RMFIII WFEX in batch mode with longer time ranges from 7 to 30 days or more

WFEX (Work Flow Exception) is a performance tool that directly facilitates determination of causes/reasons for delays in workloads. However, the interactive facility on TSO has limitations, it only captures events interactively on short time range...
over 2 years ago in z/OS / RMF 12 Functionality already exists

Isolate PCI traffic from non-PCI traffic on the crypto cards

One of our teams has to purchase hardware security module (HSM) to handle the encryption of the PCI traffic. If CSF could separate the PCI from the Non-PCI traffic, this could allow our team to use the hardware encryption process instead of buying...
10 months ago in z/OS / ICSF 3 Functionality already exists

Add the ability to generate an AES DUKPT DATA encryption key similar to the K1DATA derived key for DES DUKPT

This would allow the user to be able to perform encryption operations on DATA that has been encrypted using AES-DUKPT derived keys.
about 1 year ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / Crypto HW 2 Functionality already exists

Enhance IDCAMS error reporting - IDC3027I

We recently had a problem where the VTOC was full or near full on multiple volumes. Many batch jobs were failing when attempting to do an IDCAMS DEFINE and IDCAMS was generating the following message: IDC3027I NO SPACE IN VTOC OR VTOC INDEX The Pr...
over 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 1 Functionality already exists

zFS ACCESS Security

We ask z/OS Security Server to be enhanced to permit zFS to be easily protected, like HFS current protection running for the early life of HFS on z/OS.
almost 7 years ago in z/OS / z/OS File System (zFS) 1 Functionality already exists

Provide a warning threshold or limit for the number of record locks

A looping application in a development environment can request an excessive number of record locks. This can result in excessive cells in use for the IGWLNHRB Storage Pools and a storage shortage which can terminat and restart the SMSVSAM address ...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS VSAM/RLS 1 Functionality already exists

Protect RACF Database to prevent inadvertent deletion

System admins have priviledged access to datasets and system resources. While doing cleanup of antiquated database files an administrator inadvertently deleted the live primary and backup RACF databases causing an outage. Can the RACF task be modi...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Functionality already exists

Add RACDCERT and DIGTCERT class support for RACF for z/VM

Enhance RACFVM to support the RACDCERT or the DIGTCERT class the same as is currently done on the z/OS operating system to provide the ability to store and protect certificates and control access of these sensitive resources via keyrings. We requi...
almost 10 years ago in z/VM 2 Functionality already exists

Enable support for IRREVX01 in z/VM 7.2 RACF

We would like to request that support for IRREVX01 in z/VM RACF be made available. This is required by zSecure Command Verifier on z/VM which has been requested via RFE 148097.
almost 4 years ago in z/VM 2 Functionality already exists

Create an easy interface to send commands from MVS RACF to z/VM RACF

I would like a handy interface to help keep z/VM RACF databases in sync with my z/OS RACF databases. My initial thought was why not just have z/VM RACF support RRSF? A conversation with Bruce Wells helped me understand why that would be easier sai...
over 8 years ago in z/VM 2 Functionality already exists