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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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My ideas

Showing 3560

DSFS extattr needs version display option

Please add a --version or -version or -v to the extattr command to display the version of the command. This is important as you add more features/options to allow the user to know for sure which version of the command they are using.
about 1 year ago in z/OS / USS 2 Future consideration

Change vm.max_map_count on zCX Kernel

To allow running a cluster of ELK (ElasticSearch) containers in a zCX configuration with SWARM, it is necessary to adjust the vm.max_map_count parameter in /etc/sysctl.conf from 65530 to 262144 on zCX Linux system. Without this adjustment, when st...
about 3 years ago in z/OS / Container Extensions (zCX) 0 Future consideration

Provide mechanism to view security environment of every address space in System.

Need utility to view security environment of address spaces. This should include as a MINIMUM the RACF user assigned to the address space.However, other items such as the readable items in the ACEE, atrributes (SPECIAL, OPERATIONS and so on), POE,...
almost 3 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Need job submitter userid in memory resident location

To obtain the job submitter of a job requires disk i/o to get the JCTTOKEN out of the JCT for the job and then use RACROUTE REQUEST=TOKENMAP against the JCTTOKEN to convert the security token into human readable text that is mapped by the ICHRUTKN...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / JES2 0 Future consideration

Missing RACF Statistic (last connect date) when logging on with SESSION=OMVSSRV and SESSION=APPCTP

We need to monitor, if RACF users are active. So we verify the last connect date of user's default group every night. When last connect data is older than nn days, our night job will revoke this user profile. If the user still needs this profile, ...
over 3 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Future consideration

ISPF Edit highlighting for R

The ISPF editor should be enhanced to support highlighting for the R language.
almost 3 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 2 Planned for future release

Provide optional tagging parameter for zOSMF Files API

Currently, there is no capability to set a file tag when creating a file using the zOSMF REST API for files. Adding an optional parameter to set the tag of the created file will ensure that the file lands in USS with the appropriate tag (when requ...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

RACF Granular Control for encryption of basic and large format datasets

Allow RACF Dataset Profiles with an encryption key in the DFP segment to provide a flag for whether basic or large format datasets should be encrypted.
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Future consideration

auditing of certificate usage

Provide a means of auditing usage of specific certificates.
almost 9 years ago in z/OS / RACF 2 Not under consideration

By putting the checks for OPERATIONS into the same environment as SPECIAL, AUDITOR an/or ROAUDITOR, the attribute can be (un)assigned dynamically without requiring the user to log in/out to refresh its assigned rights.

Unless a guest that logged on with the OPERATIONS is logged off, it retains that attribute and those rights until it has been logged off. This is a security vulnerability as there is a difference between RACF's contents and reality.It would also b...
over 1 year ago in z/VM 0 Future consideration