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Status Future consideration
Workspace z/OS
Categories RACF
Created by Guest
Created on May 7, 2021

Missing RACF Statistic (last connect date) when logging on with SESSION=OMVSSRV and SESSION=APPCTP

We need to monitor, if RACF users are active. So we verify the last connect date of user's default group every night. When last connect data is older than nn days, our night job will revoke this user profile. If the user still needs this profile, the user calls our support team, which resume the RACF user profile with ALU command.

The ALU command will update the last access date of users RACF profile, but not user's default group last connect date.

When logging on with TSO on the same day the last connect date of the default group will be updated.

In the meantime many logins occurs without TSO, for example with SESSION=OMVSSRV or SESSION=APPCTP.
Because the last access date is current date, the user statistics in procedure UPDATE_STATS in ICHRIN00 will not update the user group last connect date if SESSION=OMVSSRV or SESSION=APPCTP.

Overnight our daily job will revoke the user again, even when the user used this resumed user ID via zOSMF. This is not really funny us.

We would like to see the following expansion:
If the user is logging on with SESSION=OMVSSRV or SESSION=APPCTP the user's default group last connect date should be update to the current date too - at least once a day.

Idea priority High
  • Guest
    May 7, 2021

    Attachment (Description): Description and use case