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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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Showing 3592

Externalize the new counter for TCP connection out of order segments

Per IBM support: with Comm Server 2.5 the counter for TCP connection out of order segments is available at the individual TCP connection level. From IBM support it is not yet externalized or available for customer consumption. Currently the only i...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration

ISPF SRCHFOR function fails to notify the user when additition hidden options are in place

When using SRCHFOR on the ISPF Command line in option 3.4, it will sometimes not find the string even though it does exist in the list. This can occur when there are other options specified that are not seen by the user unless they enter SRCHFOR (...
about 8 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 0 Future consideration

DSECT for SHCDS Listrecovery output or DSECTs for SHCDS-Commands outputs for processing/examining the output via program. If this is not possible, then please give a hint via SMPE (Usermod, Hold...) or somewhat else when the layout of this output changes.

We are using RLS in CICS and we use EXCI interface for quiescing and unquiescing Datasets in CICS, for further batch processing of RLS-datasets. To determine then recovery-status of the datasets which need to be quiesced via EXCI, we use IDCAMS-pr...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 1 Not under consideration

HMC/HMA & Radius Authentication

Update/modification to Idea ZL1S-I-400. The client is requesting HMC/HMA support/integration for Radius Authentication. This needs to address the scenario where there is no z/OS available in the environment (i.e., therefore not dependent on MFA).
10 months ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / HMC/Support Element (SE) 1 Planned for future release

Using DSFS to delete PDSE member generation uses wrong STOW

Using DSFS to delete a pdse member with member generations incorrectly uses the STOW type D instead of DG. Thus deleting the base member while leaving all member generations as orphans.
about 1 year ago in z/OS / Data Set File System (DSFS) 3 Future consideration

Request to create a new RLS command to show the name of the data sets that are allocated inside a data cache structure.

The Itau bank opened the PMR: 28951,228,631 because we didn't find a way to know the VSAM RLS data sets that were allocated inside a data cache structure. During the pmr the only way to find the name of those data sets was to check this informatio...
over 6 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS VSAM/RLS 0 Future consideration

Warning about problems during code page conversion while uploading and downloading text data

Product: Zowe CLI, VS Code Extension for Zowe Actor: User editing data from z/OS datasets, members, or UNIX files on a workstation and using a different encoding than IBM-1047 on the mainframe (e.g. IBM-870, IBM-037, IBM-273...) in the text mode P...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Provide ability to list all z/OSMF Workflow Definitions

z/OSMF Workflow Definitions must be specified when creating a Workflow instance. However the user must know the name and location of the file that contains the Workflow Definition. It would be FAR easier to use Workflows if the Workflow Editor 'ca...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Enhance RACF so a Passticket Only UserID is possible

Please enhance RACF so that we have a new attribute of let's call it PASSTICKET or PASSTICKETONLY We use passtickets and for security reasons don't want the UserIDs to also have to have a password.
almost 8 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

New Security Type for HTTP and OCSP in System SSL

With enabled Certificate revocation status checking in ATTLS, system SLL offers 3 different security types for HTTP and OSCP (RevocationSecurityLevel = Low, Medium or High) LowCertificate validation does not fail if the OCSP responder or HTTP serv...
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / SSL 0 Future consideration