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All ideas

Showing 3606

A mechanism that uses RACF protected ids (and equivalent for other ESMs) without storing them off platform to ensure they are secure

The automation solution will use a series of privileged interactive service accounts to fulfil user requests. Any solution to protect those ids e.g. OTP, ssh key pairs, needs to use the ESM to store the security credentials, They must not be store...
over 2 years ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Future consideration

Would like to see a function in ISMF that would display the SETSYS options currently in use

Currently if i do a F DFSMSHSM,Q SETSYS - it is a rather long listing. I might missing a setting like MIGRATION HOLDIt would be great if in ISMF, the current parms as they are set could be displayed in an ISPF Table (not to update, just to view)Th...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 1 Future consideration

ISPF gives error ISP190A whenever a VER NONBLANK test is used on a non-panel field

The ISPF panel verify statement (VER) displays a message when a variable doesn't meet the verification criteria. It also automatically places the cursor to the last panel field referred to in any panel statement. This is likely the same field as t...
about 4 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 1 Future consideration

Allow for Unix soft link to zOS files

Right now you can not create a soft link from Unix to zOS MVS. This impacts some applications in where we can store configuration data. For example if we want to have our FTP.DATA file in MVS but use the default /etc/ we would have to copy...
almost 3 years ago in z/OS / Shell & Utilities 1 Future consideration

HSM FLB Message Suppression

Suppress generated error messages or route them with another routecode.
about 5 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 0 Future consideration

Add OpenSSH parameter to control whether RACF checks are made by the TERMINAL or SERVAUTH class

Please add a parameter to control whether RACF checks are made by the TERMINAL or SERVAUTH classes, such as the PORTOFENTRY4 parameter for FTP. Per PMR23901,7TD,000 discussion if a remote IP address is covered at all in ANY NETACCESS statement the...
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / Ported Tools 1 Future consideration

Dual Control at zOS (for destructive activities)

Many System programmers and Administrators on zSystems have authority to delete data. Often they also have authority to Access DASD Subsystems(DS8*) or tape Subsystems (TS77/TS45). It would be good to have the possibility to allow destructive acti...
about 5 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS General/Unknown 1 Future consideration

Include the Rexx Execs documented in Appendix E of the CMS User's Guide and Reference.

Appendix E of the CMS User's Guide and Reference (SC24-6252-01) describes in great detail how to build Pipelines function packages in Rexx. However, the needed exec to actually do this (the FPLKWDTB, FPLEPTBL, and FPLMSGTB exercs) are not shipped ...
over 1 year ago in z/VM 0 Future consideration

Allow PDUU to override TCPIP.DATA when using FTP flavor

PDUU can't override the global TCPIP.DATA values, when invoking FTP. As a result we can't make use of TCPIP.DATA overrides, like NOCACHE. Allowing NOCACHE would allow us to send each FTP stream through one of our different proxy servers via a Load...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / BCP_Service Aids 1 Not under consideration


During situations where IMS floods with transactions the flood control is active by default and IMS will take action if thresholds are reached. If the number of APPC requests that are queued in 64-bit storage exceeds 1,000,000. IMS stops all APPC ...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / BCP_APPC 0 Future consideration