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All ideas

Showing 1516

IPCS Provide support for Format of STR(LS)

IPCS CBFORMAT -address- STR(LS) does not format the Linkage Stack data at the address provided, but instead formats a different Linkage Stack. Which LS that is formatted depends upon the type of DUMP (e.g. SVCDUMP or SADUMP) and other variables kn...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / BCP_General 4 Not under consideration

Opportunity to set the data tier in the DASD subsystems using DFS

At the moment, we have the chance to define all kind of attributes for data sets, by using DFSMS Data Class, Storage Class and Management Class. We need an enhancement for the DFSMS classes, to also control the tiering in the DASD subsystem Now, t...
almost 10 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS SMS 4 Not under consideration

Request to Add Full dynamic Activate support in SACF Lpar on Z14 and above

Reference case: TS003931886When there are no requirements for a ZOS LPAR or ZVM LPAR, there is still a need to configure resources beyond coupling facility. The SACF Activation LPAR needs to be able to handle equivalent of the Dynamic Activate fun...
over 4 years ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / I/O and Networking 5 Not under consideration

Copy the DFP Segment when creating a new Dataset Profile using ADDSD command with the FROM parameter.

We are implementing Pervasive Encryption on our disk datasets by using the CSFKEYS class and the DFP Segment on the dataset profile. Lets say you have a profile PRDZZ.** and that profile has a DFP segment of DFP(ZZ.SMS.XYZ123). If I need to create...
11 months ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Non-intrusive catalog reorg/transformation to RLS-managed

A completely non-intrusive reorg function is needed to migrate non-RLS catalog to RLS catalog. The strategic direction for z/OS catalogs is RLS management so it behoves IBM / Mainstar to develop a completely non-intrusive function to transform non...
about 8 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 5 Not under consideration

Provide support for the SMF unload utility IRRADU00 to format Websphere for z/OS Security SMF Type 83 Subtype 5 Relocates fo

Provide support for the SMF unload utility IRRADU00 to format Websphere for z/OS Security SMF Type 83 Subtype 5 Relocates for audit events SECURITY_FORM_LOGIN and SECURITY_FORM_LOGOUT Auditable security events
over 4 years ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

dsfs ls -al should display file size for sequential files

When displaying a list of files using the ll -al command while in /dsfs/txt/hlq the files have a length of 0 or 1 (I'm sure why). This applies to both dsorg(ps) and members of a dsorg(po). The size is accurate once the file, or member, is displayed.
11 months ago in z/OS / Data Set File System (DSFS) 1 Not under consideration

Provide an SVC 26 catalog locate user exit

Many vendors have SVC 26 'hooks' or have used SVCUPDTE to change the location of the SVC 26 processing routine. Providing a front end pre SVC 26/Locate and a back end end post SVC26/Locate fully documented and dynamic exit would help vendors and r...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 1 Not under consideration

Add catalog checks for catalog name and SMS bit during define and locate processing

We just wrapped up a 51-day case (TS011865490) where we had issues of the SMS bit being turned off (while on an SMS volume) and having a VVDS NVR catalog back pointer pointing back to the master catalog rather than to its TSO usercatalog. The IBM ...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 3 Not under consideration

TSO DELETE should delete the PDSE base member and all generatlons

TSO Delete currently deletes the PDSE base member (generation 0) and leaves generations -1 and beyond as orphan/ghost members. Delete should delete the base and all generations - with an appropriate message
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 3 Not under consideration