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- The first requirement is for some type of batch import capability. We already have Idea open for this (although its summary focuses on a REST API to the zERT Network Analyzer). Please vote for that requirement to show your support and interest in the function
- The second requirement is to provide a way to populate the zERT Network Analyzer database using the Db2 LOAD utility. This is something we have considered exploring in the past. Please open a new Idea with a description similar to the underlined text in the previous sentence and any supporting details you would like to add. Based on the research I have done so far, I don?t know how feasible it would be to do this, but it is something I am willing to explore with our Db2 team.
- The third requirement is to add multiple commit points to the existing import implementation. I agree that this is a valid requirement and would be happy to accept it for consideration in a future release.
can be linked to old long existing request