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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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Core Infrastructure

Showing 2954

zCX-Automate the change of IP address for the zCX instance for DR Testing purposes

We are looking for a way to automate the change of the zCX Instance IP address for DR Testing purposes where we change our DR IP addresses when performing DR network isolated tests.
almost 3 years ago in z/OS / Container Extensions (zCX) 0 Future consideration

List data set members and USS files with control characters in the name

Product: Zowe CLI, Zowe Explorer, Postman Actor: User attempting to list members in a partitioned data set or list files in a USS directory when one of the names contains a control character in the range \x00-\x1f (such as \x0a = LF and \x10 = DLE...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Mixedcase option

The Open Source UNIX standard is to use case sensitivity. However, it would improve z/OS OpenSSH usability if group names were treated without case sensitivity (similar to how user names are treated) when processing directives such as AllowGroups ...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / OpenSSH 0 Future consideration

Prevent the user to activate all RACF cdt classes trying to list the active options

The way RACF is designed today, it doesn't allow an user to filter sort of options it has in effect. For example, if I want to list only the active classes, there isn't a filter for that suggesting I should use SETROPTS LIST to list everything. Th...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / RACF 4 Not under consideration

Add Master Catalog enqueue (or something) to prevent unexpected master catalog delete

We roll out maintenance through a rolling IPL process. Each maintenance IPL uses a rotating cycle of 2 or 3 sysres sets (call them A, B and possibly C), of which the oldest is built with the new maintenance each time. Part of this process is to al...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 2 Not under consideration

ISPF Edit highlighting for ACS routines

The ISPF editor should be enhanced to support highlighting for ACS routines.
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 2 Planned for future release


It would be very useful if a new optional SPHERE parameter could be included for an IDCAMS ALTER NEWNAME of VSAM datasets so the rename function is applied to the whole sphere associated with the base cluster, or at least it's Data and Index Compo...
7 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 3 Not under consideration

Enhance SYSDSN to work on GDG generations

The CLIST SYSDSN command does not work on GDG bases or generations. It would be desirable if it worked on them.
almost 3 years ago in z/OS / TSO 3 Future consideration

Implement -h (human readable) option for file related commands (ls, df, du ..)

hi there, since we don't get the luxury of GNU Tools on z/OS USS i would at least expect an option for human readable output for the basic file related commands (ls, df, du ..). this is something *NIX distributions got decades ago, why not USS? Tr...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / Shell & Utilities 2 Planned for future release

HSM EXPIREBV to be part of Automated function

In most of the clients I have worked, one thing I observed is they were missing to run EXPIREBV regularly. Few shops schedule them as batch jobs or run adhoc and when people change or with time, they tend to forget to look into it. Because of this...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 0 Future consideration