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Core Infrastructure

Showing 2981

RRSF: Password/passphrase re-synchronization

With the implementation of RRSF, it is possible to synchronize a user's password/passphrase between different RACF databases. Due to various technical reasons, sometimes a user's password/passphrase may get out of sync in such a RRSF environmen...
7 months ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Enhancement to RACF to notify when there is a prolonged contention on critical RACF resources

We have experienced a prolonged Security Manager resources contention situation where the critical security manager resource is lockup by a low priority task while there is a higher priority task entered a spin loop and consumed all the CPUs in th...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Please add NJE routing to z/OSMF Job Submission

I am opening this on behalf of a customer (see business justification). The customer runs 5-10 z/OS instances in a sysplex but they run as many as 4 JES2 MAS's within a single sysplex. In order for z/OSMF to route jobs to a system today it uses SY...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 2 Future consideration

IBMPDSE should issue Messages to joblog as well as SYSPRINT

When running the IBMPDSE utility against a Dataset, there are 4 Return codes that can be set 00 (X'00') SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION.04 (X'04') THE INPUT PDSE IS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED. PROCESSING CONTINUES.08 (X'08') THE INPUT PDSE IS CORRUPTED. THE UTILITY E...
over 7 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS PDS/PDSE 0 Future consideration

Restore a pre allocated file and change the mgmgtclas

During restore of a file, if i want to change the mgmtclas, i need to delete the file to have the wanted mgmtclas by sysin DSS job (keyword mgmtclas). If the file already exist, i code REPLACE keyword but the mgmtclass is unchanged, MGMTCLAS remai...
about 2 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 2 Not under consideration

To allow configured the parameter "revoked after unsuccessful password attempts" in the RACF user profile. Actually it is only possible as a generic rule for all the users through the SETROPTS PASSWORD(REVOKE(d)) command

To avoid a DoS (Deny of Service) due a service user revoked because a wrong use of the password causing impact in the applications & services using it.
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Health check IBMRRS,RRS_RMDOFFLOADSIZE false exception

Even after changing the logstream LS_SIZE and rebuild the structure, meaning new offload datasets will be created with the new size, the check still gives an exception incorrectly stating that "Multiple offload data sets" might be created on an of...
7 months ago in z/OS / BCP_RRS 0 Future consideration

Provide A Command to Increase a PDSE V2 MAXGEN Value

When allocating a PDSE Version 2 Library one is required to specify a MAXGEN value that limits the number of Member Generations allowed within the PDSE. If the value is too small the user must either live with it, or recreate the PDSE in such as w...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS PDS/PDSE 1 Future consideration

NSSD Passticket Authentication with RACF protected Userid

During initialization of IKED-NSSD communication, IKED has to transfer a RACF Userid/Password or a RACF Userid/Passticket combination. When using a passticket, the RACF userid must not have the RACF protected attribute. When this Userid is used un...
about 7 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration

DFSMS to store encryption keys of backed up datasets in new VVDS cell

Ability to see encryption keys of datasets included in DFDSS backups
about 6 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Access Methods Non-Vsam 2 Future consideration