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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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All ideas

Showing 1795

ISPF MSGID State Variable

ISPF provides the ability via the command line to change the setting of the MSGID state which determines if the message ID is displayed with the ISPF messages. There is currently no way to programmatically determine the current state or to change ...
over 8 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 1 Future consideration

JES2 health monitor for converter tasks

JES2 health monitor task should detect that all of the converter TCBs are in a long wait and issue an appropriate error message.
over 9 years ago in z/OS / JES2 2 Future consideration

IEE707I Should show more than first 8 Bytes of the input verb

Because the message only shows the first 8 Bytes of the input verb, the message shows partial information that can be unusefull or misleading.
about 6 years ago in z/OS / BCP_Consoles 1 Future consideration

Have HSM display unambiguous dates.

I live in South Africa, support customers in the UK, running an American operating system. HLIST of a migrated dataset displays both the migration date and the last reference date. However, both these dates have the format xx/yy/zz, with no explan...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 0 Future consideration

Have JCL symbol for PDS submitted from

Have a JCL symbol to be the PDS where a job was submitted from. so I can have JCL like//MYJOB JOB// INCLUDE &mypds(DEFS)
over 4 years ago in z/OS / TSO 0 Future consideration

ADRDSSU move multivolume file to new SMS volumes preserving original allocation

I would like to have the capability to use DFDSS to move a multivolume file from one SMS pool to another and do not consolidate or manipulate the allocation. If I have a 4 volume file when moved I would like the target to be on four volumes regard...
about 6 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 1 Future consideration

HCD - Use 64-bit virtual storage to print HCD report through CBDJRPTS

CBDJRPTS uses a lot of private area to print HCD reports, reaching a limit where some reports cannot be printed, depending on the size of the IODF. For larger IODFs, we suggest using data spaces or 64-bit virtual storage instead of a private addre...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / HCD 1 Future consideration

Show JCL statement numbers in JESJCL output in the Status tab

When a JCL error happens, statement numbers are displayed in JESYSMSG. SDSF shows these statement numbers in JESJCL but z/OSMF's Status tab for JESJCL is missing these statement numbers. This means a customer needs to go to SDSF to view JESJCL in ...
about 6 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

z/OSMF workflows as a self-service platform - Workflow Enhancements

We thought of using z/OSMF Workflows as a self-service platform where other teams could execute frequent requests made to us sysprogs independently, that way we would only need to take part in the initial workflow design and creation inside z/OSMF...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 1 Future consideration

Increase the maximum number of Functional Recovery Routines (FRR) entries

In the z/OS operating system, functional recovery routines (FRRs) provide means of recovery when running within SRB routines. FRRs are set through the SETFRR macro and are mapped by the FRRS control block. There is always one set of FRRs per proce...
about 6 years ago in z/OS / BCP_General 2 Future consideration