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This should be possible, to some extent, although why you'd want to do this is another question?
Are you thinking about striped multi-volume, not just extended format but ones allocated with a Storclas with a non-zero SDR (Sustained Data Rate) defined? Such striping is no longer recommended.
Are you thinking about extents within each volume? It's not always possible to get primary or secondary extents in a single extent if volumes are fragmented.
What if the target volume(s) don't have the capacity needed to achieve the extent size?
The following approach depends on how your SMS configuration and ACS routines are set up (e.g. Storclas to Storgrp mapping), and possibly your RACF set up but should achieve what you want:
Pre-allocate a new target dataset using a Storclas with Guaranteed_Space=Y and other attributes that match the source, specifying the same Space values and 4 volumes. That should allocate the Primary space on all 4 volumes. Any Secondary space values would be taken on each volume in order 1-4 as required.
Run DFDSS COPY REPLACEU and RENAMEU(, from the source to overlay the new target.
Rename source to have .OLD suffix or suchlike, then rename target to original source name.