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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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All ideas

Showing 1801

Provide new functionality to schedule the import of SMF data to the zNA database

Batch is the preferred method provide the ability to invoke a batch job to import data into the zNA database, outside of zNA, that can be submitted manually or scheduled via a job scheduler or some other scheduled process (i.e., daily) allow the b...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration

Add a specific CSF messages id to monitor the correct/(or not) initialization/start-up) of the CSFTTCP started task

Dear, In order to monitor the start-up of the CSFTTCP adress space with CA-OPSMVS automate and according to our standards we would like to have the possibility that CSFTTCP started task generates to the console specific messageids for the correct(...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / ICSF 0 Future consideration

zCX: Provide Sysplex Distributor Support for High Availability

Currently zCX only supports Dynamic VIPAs, no Sysplex Distributor support is available. In case of a Docker Swarm, or even a Single zCX Container within one zCX, there is a timing window in that the application within the Container is not availabl...
over 3 years ago in z/OS / Container Extensions (zCX) 5 Future consideration

Use more frequent commits when importing SMF data in to the zNA database to reduce Db2 resource consumption

Committing every 1000 inserts would be a good starting point This number needs to be customizable so we can adjust based on our needs as workloads and reporting needs change over time Our preferred solution to the lack of commits would be to use t...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration

Allow LDAP servers in a sysplex to share an activity log file

LDAP sysplex setups recommend that all servers in the sysplex share the same configuration file. This cannot be done if activity logging is in use because the LDAP server cannot handle file management during the rollover period. The only way to us...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / LDAP 0 Future consideration

IBM GTZ for EAV support should provide the dataset name when a module is found as being in error

Hello, When the tracker identify a program not EAV compliant for example for reason SMS-E:1 DADSM OBTAIN, the tracker should provide on which dataset name the problem was found This could allow to migrate one storage group to EAV if we found that ...
4 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Disk Storage SW Support 1 Future consideration

Add schema from RFC 2307

More and more, z/OS is moving into the Open environment and working with other Open platforms and software including Red Hat, Docker, and containers. This should be an incentive to include more schema attributes and object classes into ITDS z/OS L...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / LDAP 3 Future consideration

Increase logical paths limit of 512 for Control Unit (HCD message CBDG085I)

We reached the limit of 512 paths for Control Units when disks are shared between multiple sysplexes. DASD volumes are being forced to be accessed by 3 and even 2 channel paths.
7 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Disk Storage SW Support 3 Future consideration

add GDG support to z/OSMF Dataset Rest API

When I make a post request to the /zosmf/restfiles/ds API for a GDG creation (+1), it returns a "404 not found". I expected, that a new generation dataset is created with the disposition sent within the post body. However, z/OSMF RESTFiles does al...
almost 3 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Separate “Local Lock Suspension Time” from “zIIP on CP Time”

We have been in the process of activating and evaluating SMT-2 across several LPARs. As part of our analysis and IBM’s analysis (TS015958511), we were made aware that "Local Lock Suspension Time”, which is not eligible to run on a CP, is always a ...
4 months ago in z/OS / RMF 2 Future consideration